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<br />The five-member Advisory Board appointed by the San Leandro City Council includes two staff <br />melnbers from the City of San Leandro (the Engineering and Transportation Department <br />Director and the Finance Department Director) along with three business representatives from <br />businesses within the BID. The business members appointed to the Advisory Board for 2006-07 <br />are John Dlugosh, Maria Elena Ross, and Dora Wong. The Advisory Board's duties include a <br />review of the performance of the LINKS Shuttle for Fiscal Year 2005-06, a review of the budget <br />for riscal Year 2006-07, and a recommendation for the Fiscal Year 2006-07 assessment for the <br />BID. <br /> <br />Over the past month, the Advisory Board met with City staff and the Executive Director of the <br />San Leandro Transportation Management Organization (SLTMO) to complete a review of the <br />LINKS Shuttle. The Advisory Board is pleased to present to the City Council the Fiscal Year <br />2006-07 Annual Report (Attached). <br /> <br />The Annual Report includes a review of the current and planned operations for the LINKS, a <br />review of the proposed BID assessment ('or Fiscal Year 2006-07, a review of the Fiscal Year <br />2005-06 expenditures, and a review orthe recOIn mended budget fi.Jr Fiscal Year 2006-07. After <br />an intensive study of the LINKS, the Advisory Board recommends the following to eontinue <br />operations and improve the linancial perfonmmce of the shuttle: <br /> <br />1. Maintain the Fiseal Year 2006-07 assessment rate of $25.00 base fee per business and <br />maintain the per employee fee of $10.88, as previously approved by the San Leandro <br />City Council on September 19, 2005. <br /> <br />2. The Advisory Board has detel111ined that the large increase in ridership has resulted in <br />occasional delays in LINKS Shuttle operations. Therefore, the Executive Director <br />shall Inake all reasonable efforts to insure that the LINKS Shuttle operates on a ((xed <br />schedule in regards to timely pick-ups and drop-offs at the San Leandro Main BART <br />Station. If a fixed time schedule continues to be problematic, the Executive Director <br />shall diligently pursue the other options which may remediate the probleln, including <br />operating larger shuttles, and/or adding additional fixed stops along the LINKS route. <br /> <br />3. The Advisory Board has detennined that continued outreach is needed to keep the <br />business community infol111ed of the shuttle service. Therefore, the Executive Director <br />shall more aggressively Inarket the program to companies in the BID area using a wide <br />variety of marketing communication enarts. Specifically, the Executive Director shall <br />develop a business visitation program in which SL TMO administration shall perform <br />outreach to 50 of the largest employers and 50 small-to-lnid size employers whom <br />operate within the boundaries ofthe BID. <br /> <br />4. The Executive Director shall aggressively pursue grants for the shuttle program to <br />reduce the funding obligation of the business community and the San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency. Specifically, the Executive Director shall submit applications <br />to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District (BAAQMD) and all other pertinent granting agencies as grant <br />opportunities are announced. <br /> <br />5. The BID assessment shall be evaluated by subsequent Advisory Boards on an annual <br />basis and, based on the financial health of the LINKS, the BID shall be reduced when <br />