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<br />Doo~~.~.le Entryway P&S <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />December 18, 2006 <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />On January 5, 2004 by Resolution No. 2004-007, the City Council approved an agreement <br />authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) <br />Cooperative Agrcement between the City of San Leandro, the City of Oakland, and the Port of <br />Oakland for thc construction phase of this project. This Agreement designated the City of San <br />Leandro as the lead agency allowing the City to make decisions such as approval of plans and <br />specifications and the call for bids. <br /> <br />On June 19, 2006 by Resolution No. 2006~075, the City Council approved the plans and <br />specifications for the subject project and called for bids. While Phase 1 did not receive any bids, <br />Phase 2 received unbalanced bids, which prompted staff to reeommcnd that the bids be rejected <br />by the City Council. <br /> <br />Analysis <br /> <br />When Redevelopment Agency funds arc used to fund public improvements either within or <br />adjacent to a redevelopment project area, California Redevelopment Law requires that: <br /> <br />1. The consent ofthe legislative body must be obtained for the use of said funds; and <br />2. Certain findings must be made by the Agency to insure the proposed improvemcnts are <br />consistent with identified redevelopment plan objectives and that there arc no alternative <br />means for funding the project. <br /> <br />The project falls within the boundaries of the West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard <br />Redevelopment Project Area (Project Area). The 2004-2009 Redevelopment Agency <br />Implementation Plan specifically lists the Doolittle Drive/Airport Gatcway streetscape project as <br />a priority public improvcment to eliminate visual blight in the community. <br /> <br />Currently, Doolittle Drive has oversized lane widths. Common to both phases of the project is <br />the installation of landscaping and irrigation systems along Doolittle Drive, between 98th <br />A venue and Davis Street. Included in Phase 1 is the installation of entryway monuments on each <br />side of the roadway at approximately the City limits. <br /> <br />As part of the project, the easterly curb line will be relocated, narrowing the roadway by <br />approximately 17 feet and creating room for landscaping between the new curb line and the <br />existing sidewalk. The roadway will rcmain two lanes in cach direction with a ccnter dual left <br />turn lane and bike lanes in each direction. The project will not restrict thc current left turn access <br />into or out of businesses. The westerly curb line will remain at its current location and trees will <br />be planted behind the sidewalk in the public right-of-way. <br /> <br />If budget permits, other work items on this corridor will include: installation of new streetlights <br />in the medians; relocation of traffic signals in the median; painting of existing strcctlights; and <br />replacement of fence materials. <br />