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<br />MINCTES Page 7 <br />City of San Lean(~yYily Cgurleil and San Leandro ~edeveloprnel1t Agency Joi~~_~~eting-ncccmber 4, 2006 <br /> <br />Councillllelnber Stephens commented that he also viewed the site and the <br />neighborhood. I Ie asked how the City would monitor the conversion of the home (or <br />other lIses. Mr. Horn indicated that the area is zoned lor single family dwellings. lIe <br />noted that while the City cannot legally prohibit the use ofthe home as a group hOlne, it <br />is unlikely that this use would occur in an area with such high property values. Mr. <br />Hom commented that a condition could be recorded on the property that it is only <br />authorized for a single Camily home and second-family unit. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked Jar clarification of the term "single family." Mr. Horn stated that a <br />household can consist of either related or unrelated adults, and the City can only <br />regulate the total number of adults living in the home. <br /> <br />City Attorney Williams commented that Cair housing laws restrict what can be <br />regulated. Under the law, unrelated adults living together as a family or household unit <br />is treated differently than 10 unrelated adults living in a boarding house situation. Mr. <br />110m noted that the Zoning Code defines a boarding house, and boarding houses are not <br />allowed in the RS District. Mr. Horn added that an additional condition that has been <br />added to this project is the requirement that it have only one full kitchen. <br /> <br />Mayor Young commented that she would like to ensure that the City is not intruding on <br />private property rights. She asked if the Applicant could be allowed to have his brothers <br />and sisters living with him. Mr. Hom indicated that as currently written, the Zoning <br />Code requires a zoning pennit tor more than 10 adults living in a single-t~Hnily home. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked for clarification on the number oC available parking spaces on the <br />site. Mr. Glaudemans pointed out that there are seven parking spaces for the main <br />house and four lor the carriage house. Mayor Young cornmented that she would have <br />liked to see a visual aid with the proposed home superimposed on the site. She asked <br />who wi II ensure that all the conditions on the property are met. Mr. Hom indicated that <br />some of the conditions must be met prior to the issuance of the building permit, some <br />must be monitored during the construction of the project, and others are ongoing and <br />required to be recorded with the property. <br /> <br />Couneilmernber Badger eOIlHnented that although the project has changed significantly <br />as a result of the meetings with the Applicant and architects, he still has concerns. He <br />expressed concern about the possibility of the conversion to a group home as well as <br />concerns regarding the enforcelllent of the Conditions of Approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Young noted that the monster home ordinance the City is considering would <br />allow (IX a larger home on the subject site than what is being proposed. <br /> <br />. Minute Order No. 2006-044, Motion Denying the Appeal by Wayland Lew, <br />Upholding the Decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustments' Approval or <br />PLN2()()5-00063; M,-\ior View Preservation/Site Plan Review and Height <br />Exception; to build, as modilied by the Applicant, an approximate 9,811 square- <br />toot new hOllle, with livable area of 6,907 square feet, including five bedrooms <br />and six and one-half bathrooms; and a 1,326 square-foot caniage house, with <br />