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<br />l\HNUTES <br />City of San LeandTo City Council and San LeandTO Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 3,2004 <br /> <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />Councilmember Badger stated that, at this point, the all-mail ballot is the only <br />fiscally responsible option. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked if the election would still be delayed until February if the all- <br />mail ballot option were chosen. Ms. Handa noted that in order to significantly <br />reduce the cost of an all-mail ballot election, the election would need to be <br />conducted by the Registrar of Voters on the City's behalf. The Registrar of Voters <br />could only conduct the election if it were held more than 88 days after the <br />November General Election. <br /> <br />Councilmember Badger comlnented that he has expressed concerns about the <br />lengthening or shortening of terms of office. He asked if the proposed Charter <br />alnendment language to address this issue will come back to the Rules and <br />Communications Committee. Ms. Williams confirmed that the proposed <br />language to address the disparity of the terms will be presented to the Rules and <br />Communications Committee at its next meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos asked if placing a Charter amendment on the ballot would <br />require a super-majority. Ms. Williams indicated that the item would be placed on <br />the ballot by resolution which only requires a majority vote. <br /> <br />Recommendation for City Council Consideration: <br /> <br />a. Discuss the method for conducting the run-off election (precinct balloting or <br />all-mail ballot) and direct to staff to return with an ordinance establishing <br />run-off procedures. <br /> <br />It ,vas the consensus of the Council to conduct a run-off election, if <br />needed, by all-mail ballot and have staff draft an ordinance establishing <br />run-off procedures. <br /> <br />b. Discuss the options for correcting inconsistencies in the commencement of <br />the terms of office for Mayor and City Council contained in the City Charter <br />and Municipal Code and provide direction to the Rules and <br />Communications Committee regarding any desired amendlnents to the City <br />Charter and Municipal Code related to the seating of a new Council <br />following an election. <br /> <br />It was the consensus of the Council to refer the matter back to the Rules <br />and Communications Committee to consider the following: <br /> <br />· A Charter amendment to remove the 35-day term commencement <br />and allow for an "adjusted" term for this election cycle. <br />. A Charter amendment to remove the requirement that a candidate <br />must receive 500/0 plus one vote in order to be elected. <br />