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<br />lVIINUTES Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~November 15,2004 <br /> <br />raised by Councilmember Glaze that the City would be setting a precedent. <br />Councilmenlber Nardine asked about the possibility of offering loans to the property <br />owners. Mr. Jermanis stated that loans could have been considered as an alternative. <br />Mr. Udenlezue added that the strict project timeline made offering loans a less viable <br />alternative. <br /> <br />Councilmember N ardine asked if the proj ect boundaries included Clarke and <br />Carpentier Streets. Mr. Udemezue clarified that the undergrounding would occur on <br />West Estudillo between Hays and San Leandro Boulevard. <br /> <br />Councilnlember Grant stated that she appreciates the efficiencies the City is trying to <br />achieve through this action and supports the improved pedestrian experience that will <br />be created. She asked if any conlmunity outreach has been done to the affected <br />property owners to inform thelll of the possible costs they could incur. <br />Councilnlelnber Grant pointed to a recent public meeting that was held to discuss <br />inlprovelnents to Walnut A venue. Mr. Udemezue indicated that property owners are <br />aware that they are in an underground district, and there is a formal notification <br />process that will be followed as the process gets underway. <br /> <br />Councilmember Glaze comlnented on Councilmember Nardine's question regarding <br />the project boundaries. He noted that the property on the corner of Clarke Street and <br />West Estudillo uses utility poles on the Clarke Street side which would need to be <br />undergrounded. Councihnember Glaze cOlllmented that the City is almost 15 years <br />behind on its Utility Underground Master Plan and asked if use of Rule 20A funds for <br />this project would affect the City's ability to complete other projects listed in the <br />Master Plan. Mr. Udemezue noted that the number of streets that are approved to be <br />undergrounded are limited by the amount of available Rule 20A funds and by the time <br />required for the utilities to be undergrounded. Mr. Udemezue noted that the City was <br />able to expedite this project because it took the lead and performed the design work, <br />and staff will propose to do the sanle for East 14th Street. He indicated that the <br />relllaining Rule 20A funds will only cover the East 14th Street project, and future <br />projects Inust wait until more funds are accumulated. <br /> <br />Councilnlelnber Glaze pointed out to the Council that the Utility Underground Master <br />Plan contains an extensive list of streets identified for utility undergrounding. He <br />noted that in the past, a proj ect came before the Council for which an exemption was <br />requested, and the Council abandoned the underground project due to its high cost. <br />Councilmelnber Glaze commented that this is a proj ect that the Council wants to see <br />conlpleted, but expressed concern that the City may be creating a problem by granting <br />an exception for this project and for East 14th Street. <br /> <br />Councilnlenlber Nardine echoed Councilmember Glaze's concern regarding setting a <br />precedent through the granting of this exception. She asked that Councilmember <br />Glaze's concerns be noted for the record. <br />