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<br />l\lINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-June 2, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the City Council, expressing concerns <br />regarding increased traffic, noise and odor and concerns regarding Stericycle's business <br />practices. Mr. Norry urged Council's denial of the application. <br /> <br />John Manuel, Marina Action Committee, addressed the City Council regarding the <br />additional truck traffic and air pollution issues generated by the project and stated the <br />group recommends Stericycle's operations be consolidated into a single facility. Mr. <br />Manuel nlentioned his concern about Stericycle parking trailers at NorCal Pottery on <br />Williams Street. <br /> <br />Audrey Albers, 2037 Marina Court, addressed the City Council, expressing safety <br />concerns given the speed of traffic traveling on Doolittle Drive combined with trucks <br />carrying hazardous waste attempting to cross the street. Ms. Albers suggested a <br />condition be added to require the company to furnish a person who would block off <br />both sides of the street whenever a truck crossed the street. <br /> <br />Francois Gallo, 979 Woodland, addressed the City Council regarding odor, <br />enforcenlent and traffic safety issues and urged the Council to order an updated traffic <br />study prior to the project's approval to identify new issues which have emerged since <br />the last study was done. <br /> <br />Harold Perez, 2052 Vestal Court, addressed the City Council, expressing concern <br />regarding the amount of cross traffic the project will generate and the possibility of a <br />hazardous waste spill. <br /> <br />Wafaa Aborashed, Davis West Neighborhood Group, addressed the City Council, <br />expressing concerns regarding traffic impacts and emissions, odor and allowing <br />voluntary compliance by the company. <br /> <br />Heidi Finberg, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, addressed the City Council, <br />stressing the importance of supporting businesses in San Leandro. Ms. Finberg stated <br />she attended the tour of the Stericycle facility and commented favorably regarding their <br />operation. She urged Council's approval of Stericycle's application. <br /> <br />Henry Gonzales, Stericycle facility manager, addressed the City Council on behalf of <br />the Applicant to respond to questions and concerns raised by the speakers. He indicated <br />the 15 percent growth limitation will probably not be a concern as Stericycle has <br />acquired a facility in Fresno which will divert "recyclable sharps" away from its San <br />Leandro facility. Mr. Gonzales provided information regarding vehicle parking and <br />loading and reported the company spends over $3,000 a month on odor control. He <br />noted the conlpany is regulated by the State Department of Health Services. <br /> <br />Steve Escobedo, Stericycle, Inc. (Applicant), responded to a question raised by a <br />speaker regarding a requirement for vehicles carrying hazardous waste to display <br />placards, noting most of Stericycle's vehicles are exempt from this requirement. He <br />noted the cold storage facility adjacent to 1345 Doolittle was recently leased to another <br />