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<br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Couneil and <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting - Aprill, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />. Action 7.08-A (Fiber optics): Clarify whether this policy addresses the City's <br />fiber optics network and/or the various private networks that are being installed. <br />(Badger) <br /> <br />. Aetion 7.09-0 (Timothy Drive): Add language which ensures that additional <br />buffering is provided and that makes sure we implement improvements. <br />(Santos) <br /> <br />. Action 7.09-D (Timothy Drive): Buffering should be improved m all <br />neighborhoods that abut industry, not just the Timothy area. (Glaze) <br /> <br />. Action 7.12-0 (Hudson/Yokota): Consider deleting the reference to the possible <br />use of the Hudson site as open space. (Santos) <br /> <br />. Action 7.12-1) (H udson/V okota): Edit the action to distinguish that Hudson <br />Lumber and V okota Nursery arc separate properties and to clarify that Hudson <br />Lumber is not part of the Auto Mall. (Glaze) <br /> <br />. Policy 8.06 (Heavy commercial uses): Clarify what is meant by "heavy <br />commercial," as this is not a land use category on the General Plan Map and is <br />not clearly defined elsewhere. (Nardine) <br /> <br />. Policy 9.01 (Marina development): Need to develop a long-range plan lor the <br />Malina area and make sure residents are involved in all development decisions. <br />(Nardine) <br /> <br />. P. 190, 194,216 (Policy 22.0Id--Park Service Standards) Referenees to park <br />acreage and park level of service standards need to more clearly differentiate <br />between commercial recreation (including the golf course and marina) and the <br />non-fee based parks. The fornler should not be counted as parkland. <br />(Glaze/Loeftler) <br /> <br />. Action 37.08-A (Airport Noise Compatibility Program): Provide options for <br />discussion at next meeting, including keeping the language as is, replacing the <br />language with the Port's alternative, and replacing the language with text that <br />combines the Port's alternative and the existing language. (General diseussion) <br /> <br />. Action 44.04-A (Paving of Planter Strips): Edit to note that there may be areas <br />where it is not feasible to replace concrete with planter strips. (Santos) <br /> <br />. Consider possible alternative language regarding the increased authority of the <br />Library-Historical Commission (e.g., using "should" vs "shall") to allow for <br />further consideration by the Council. (General discussion) <br />