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<br />MIN (J'n~s <br />City of San Leand~o City Cou~1Cil Mcetin~-- November 4, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Mayor Young requested clarification on the amount of acreage subject to mitigation at the <br />site. <br /> <br />Council Members disclosed the following: <br /> <br />Vice-Mayor Glaze met with community representatives, received a telephone call from <br />the developer, and received a packet of information at his home. <br /> <br />Council Member Badger met with community representatives, and received a packet of <br />infonnation at his home. <br /> <br />Council Member Grant met with community representatives and the developer. <br /> <br />Council Member Nardine received a packet of inlomlation at her home. <br /> <br />Council Member Locfner met with community representatives, and received a packet of <br />in[onnation at his home. <br /> <br />Council Member Santos met with community representatives and the developer, received <br />several phone calls [rom community members, and received a packet of information at his <br />home. <br /> <br />Mayor Young received a packet of inlomlation at her otTice. <br /> <br />There being no further comments from the public, and without opposition, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Vice-Mayor Glaze expressed concerns regarding the discrepancy in wetlands acreage. <br />Ms. Pollart stated she had no infonnation regarding the 1989 DraIl EIR, and quoted the <br />1.4 acres identified in the 1999 H.T. Harvey repOli. Ms. Pollart noted that if the project is <br />approved, there are several mitigation measures requiring Anny Corps of Enginecrs <br />(ACE) sign-ofT at various stages of the project. Mr. Hom gave additional information <br />regarding the ACE's review of the projcct, and noted a 1999 agreemcnt for a mitigation <br />plan between the ACE and the Hoheners dc1ines the amount of wetlands subject to <br />mitigation. Ms. Pollart made the distinction between wetlands and 'jurisdictional" <br />wetlands, and ACE has jurisdiction over the 1.4 acres. <br /> <br />Ron McMahon, McMahon Development Group, surmised that the Hoheners apparently <br />did some unauthorized fill on the property, and the ACE subsequently perfomled an <br />environmental study of the property and established a mitigation area. A study is <br />commissioned annually by the property owner, and submitted to the ACE, to eonfinn thc <br />owner is in full confomlance with the ACE's 1999 recommendations. Mr. McMahon <br />noted as of the latest report, his company was ahead of schedule in revitalizing the <br />wetlands area. City Manager Jemlanis asked Mr. Hom if the ACE has approved the plan <br />submitted to the Council. Mr. Hom confinned the ACE approved the plan, requiring an <br />adjustment to the tentative map to preserve the . I-acre strip of land, and noted the ACE <br />will have other opportunities to review the development plans as the project progresses. <br />