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<br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council, <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, and <br />San Leandro Puhlic Financing Authority Joint Meeting - October 15, 2()() I <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />There being no further comments from the public, the Puhlic Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />M/S/C Glaze and Santos. Ayes: 7; Noes: () <br /> <br />Hanson Horn, Director of COlnmunity Development, in response to Council <br />Member Grant's comments, said the area of historical signi ficance is the area <br />outside the redevelopment Plaza area. The General Plan docs promote the <br />discussion of possible historic designation or guidelines. It can be addressed in both <br />the General Plan and as future Zoning Code amendments, <br /> <br />Staff noted there was a workshop held lor property owners, business owners and <br />residents. Concerns were expressed regarding zoning designation for bars and <br />tavellls, as well as childcare facilities. <br /> <br />Council Member Nardine commented that while the City Manager has stated these <br />changes will provide the maximum tlexibility for use and would allow for review <br />on a case-by-case basis, it lacks a clear plan rrom the Council to guide the <br />community. <br /> <br />Hanson Hom discussed the planning process lor the BART Revitalization Strategy <br />and its nine-month process. For the area north of Davis Street and west or San <br />Leandro Boulevard, the Committee studied the whole range of possible land-use <br />options. He added there arc some very clear policy directions in the Revitalization <br />Strategy on land use. For the particular area north of Wendy's, the Committee saw <br />the ability for several different types of development and did want to preclude those <br />possibilities. <br /> <br />Liane Randolph discussecl the amendments which were dealt with over a 9-month <br />period and that they need to be consistent with the BART Area Revitalization Plan, <br />which is the overall guiding planning document fl)f the area the City Council <br />adopted in February. <br /> <br />Council Member Glaze clarified that the Agency/Council is being asked to approve <br />a land-use plan far the Redevelopment area consistent with the General Plan. <br /> <br />Mayor Young summarized staff's recommendation which ineluded allowing <br />flexible mixed-use on the property nOl1h of Davis Street and allowing for the church <br />designation to be called "Institutional" fCll- the f1exibility of including other types of <br />social halls, churches, etc. <br /> <br />The following Resolution and Ordinance were then introduced: <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2001-16, Resolution of the San Leandro Redeveloprnent <br />Agency of the City of San Leandro Approving Amendment No. I to the Plaza <br />Redevelopment Plan to Accommoclate Certain Land-Use Policy Changes <br />