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Initial Study/Negative Declaration <br />Page 2 <br />Approximately 2,280 square feet of launch ramp apron (concrete pavement) will be constructed <br />(above MHW) at the new location. The existing launching facility will be closed to boaters upon <br />completion of the new facility. (See Location Map, Sheet 2) <br />Boarding Floats: <br />Install approximately 2,500 square feet of aluminum (or other material) boarding floats; six (6) <br />concrete support piling; construction of two (2) concrete abutments; construction of boarding <br />facilities to meet ADA accessibility guidelines, in compliance with California Department of <br />Boating and Waterways guidelines. <br />Access and Parking: <br />Provide approximately 20,000 square feet of re -designed parking area to accommodate <br />approximately 55 boat/trailer parking spaces; provide one (1) space for accessible boat/trailer <br />parking; provide two (2) standard accessible parking spaces; provide approximately seven (7) <br />new standard parking spaces adjacent to the new launch ramp. Provide 1,250 square feet of boat <br />wash -down area within the existing parking area; provide approximately 5,000 square feet of <br />new boat -ready lane area within the existing parking area. Provide storm drain and parking lot <br />lighting modifications to accommodate the new launch ramp facility <br />Restroom: <br />Remodel interior, and expand existing footprint of restroom located on Mulford Point Road by <br />140 square feet. for a total of approximately 470 square feet. <br />Findings of No Significant Effect on the Environment <br />Said project will not have the potential to significantly degrade the quality of the <br />environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or <br />wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or <br />animal community, or reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered <br />plant or animal. <br />• Said project will have no significant impact on long-term environmental goals; <br />• Said project will have no significant cumulative effect on the environment; <br />• Said project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or <br />indirectly. <br />