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<br />. <br /> <br />3.2 The CITY shall provide the following in-kind services related to the <br />administration of the ASES program: (a) Human Resources related <br />duties, such as recruiting, hiring and fingerprinting; (b) monthly <br />registration, following the initial registration period administered by <br />DISTRICT; (c) uniforms; (d) training; and (e) oversight by managers and <br />directors. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4 Training and Planning <br />4.1 The DISTRICT will create and implement a staff development orientation <br />for all ASES staff members prior to the start of each school year to <br />provide pertinent information regarding school procedures and policies <br />both in general and specific to each school site where a program will <br />exist. The CITY will communicate to their employees the importance of <br />this orientation and make every effort to ensure that all employees <br />attend. <br />4.2 The DISTRICT will invite all ASES staff members to participate in all in- <br />service training offered to the employees of the DISTRICT and in those <br />planning activities and case review meetings as are reasonably <br />determined by the District Coordinator to be relevant to the work of the <br />ASES program. <br />4.3 The CITY will invite employees of the DISTRICT who are actively <br />engaged in the program to training programs conducted by or for the <br />CITY ASES program staff members. <br />4.4 To ensure consistency, quality and communication, the ASES Program <br />Supervisor will meet monthly with the ASES District Coordinator and <br />bi-annually with the ASES District Coordinator and DISTRICT <br />Administrative Staff (principals) or as often as is deemed appropriate by <br />both parties. CITY site coordinators will regularly and actively <br />participate in site collaborative meetings, including but not limited to <br />site staff meetings. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />5 Compensation and Reports <br />5.1 Attendance Reporting: The CITY will provide to the DISTRICT a monthly <br />attendance report detailing the name of the student(s) enrolled for the <br />school sites named above; <br />5.2 Financial Reporting: The CITY will provide to the DISTRICT a monthly <br />financial statement for the school sites named above detailing the <br />expenses and budget balance for the preceding month including the <br />year-to-date expenses and budget balance. Each monthly financial <br />report must include the following information: Site Name, Employee <br />Name(s), Hours worked, Total amount due; Number of students <br />enrolled, Total amount of fees collected; <br />5.2.1 Specialized reporting formats, as needed for California <br />Department of Education, will be provided to the DISTRICT prior <br />to the State deadline bi-annually. <br />5.3 Compensation: The CITY will be reimbursed based on the difference <br />between the program fees collected and the cost for services. Should <br />