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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 11 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro Parking Authority, San <br />Leandro Public Financing Authority, and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-June 18, 2007 <br /> <br />End of Public Comments on Item l1.C.2.a. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant asked why Yangchun was chosen as a possible <br />Friendship City, noting the difference in size between Yangchun and San <br />Leandro. Mayor Santos commented that there are community connections <br />between San Leandro and Yangchun, and there have been direct contacts <br />between residents and businesses in both cities. Mayor Santos indicated that <br />he will travel to Yangchun beginning October 16 for eight nights, and he <br />asked the members of the Council who are interested in making the trip to <br />let him know. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos commented on the chronology of the City's fair housing and <br />anti-discrimination efforts compiled by Community Relations <br />Representative Kathy Ornelas. Mayor Santos suggested that the document <br />be made as public as possible and that it be filed at the City's libraries and <br />sent to ECHO Housing, SLCAN, and the homeowner associations in the <br />city. He commented on the actions by former Mayor Karp to promote racial <br />and religious tolerance in San Leandro, and he mentioned the idea of a <br />cultural diversity event. <br /> <br />By consensus, the City Council approved this recommendation. <br /> <br />3. Rules and Communications Committee Meeting of June 7, 2007. Accepted as <br />submitted. <br /> <br />Recommendation for City Council Consideration: <br /> <br />a. Schedule consideration of having appeals for Community Preservation and <br />Weed Ordinance Violations heard by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. <br /> <br />By consensus, the City Council approved this recommendation. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant commented that in her report on the Alameda County Housing Authority, <br />her comments on Section 8 landlords were in no way directed to Tom Silva, who is a model <br />landlord, rents to Section 8 tenants and holds workshops on how to be a good landlord. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza thanked the Recreation & Human Services staff for the recent <br />successful Cherry Festival and for their effective communication with the neighbors. <br />Councilmember Souza reported on the large attendance at the San Leandro Aquatics Center <br />over the past weekend. Councilmember Souza commented that anyone can recycle, and she <br />urged everyone to take the time to learn the recycling rules and reduce the amount of waste <br />going into the landfill. Councilmember Souza asked what is happening at the 84 Lumber site, <br />and she thanked staff for the informative budget presentation. <br />