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<br />PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES <br /> <br />Professional services are not subject to the general competitive bidding requirements detailed in <br />the City Mumcipal Code As such, individual departments have significant leeway in the <br />selection of finns to undertake professional services. However, the use of professional services <br />shall be consistent with the City's purchasing guidelines and with established practice understood <br />by the City Council. <br /> <br />Professional services are used to provide specialized expertise in technical areas. Also, these <br />professionals are used for independent and unbiased appraisals of programs and projects. <br />Finally, professional services can supplement the City's expertise where there is a lack of staff <br />time to perfOlm a necessary function. Common uses for professional services include facility <br />planning and engmeenng, infornlation and telecommunication servlces organization <br />development, environmental impact reports, financial feasibility studies and traffic analysis <br /> <br />Under no circumstances shall any individual orfinn begin work until a purchase order has been <br />issued by the Purchasing Office. No employee has the authority to allow work to begin prior to <br />this time Three fonns of agreements for professional services can be used: <br /> <br />1. LETTER AGREEMENT (For services less than $5,000): <br />A letter from the consultant or professional firnl describing the service, how it will be <br />accomplished, time frame and the complete cost for furnishing the service. <br /> <br />2. STANDARD CONTRACTUAL SERVICE AGREEMENT (For services more than <br />$5,000 but less than $15,000): <br />These agreements required the standard contractual service agreement fonn, including <br />detailed scope of service, approval as to form by the City Attorney and signature by the <br />City Manger. <br /> <br />3. STANDARD CONTRACTUAL SERVICE AGREE1VIENT (For services exceeding <br />$15,000): <br />Generally, the same as no 2 above, also requmng preparation of a resolution and <br />approval by the City Council, in place of administrative approval by the City Manager. <br /> <br />SELECTION PROCESS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br /> <br />Departments should follow fair and open processes in selecting professional providers best able <br />to meet the interests of the City Selection of contractors for agreements valued at less than <br />$15,000 may follow an infoilllal process. Agreements of greater value required more tOilllal <br />selection processes, ranging from receipt of statements of qualifIcations from multiple finns, up <br />to and including a detailed Request for Proposal and use of a selection committee. <br />