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Reso 2007-111
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2007-111
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Last modified
9/10/2007 3:51:11 PM
Creation date
9/10/2007 3:46:24 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3B Public Hearing 2007 0904
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2007\Packet 2007 0904
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<br />X Discourage the removal of healthy trees and require replacements for any tress that <br />are removed from street rights-of-way. Where healthy trees must be removed, <br />consider their relocation to other suitable sites instead of their disposal (General <br />Plan Policy 44.03). <br /> <br />Cultural Resource Impacts <br /> <br />Numerous historical resources exist within the TOD Strategy area, and development taking place <br />under the TOD Strategy has the potential to adversely affect these resources either temporarily or <br />permanently. Downtown San Leandro and the adjacent BART station are known to contain <br />archeological resources from the mid-19th Century. Potential temporary impacts include those <br />caused by noise and vibration during construction. Potential permanent impacts could include <br />demolition of historically significant structures to accommodate new development proposed <br />under the strategy. Therefore, cultural resources such as historical, archeological and <br />paleontological resources in the City of San Leandro could be cumulatively impacted by future <br />development. <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro finds that, as to the significant effect identified above: <br /> <br />Changes have been required of and incorporated into the project. These changes would <br />'Substantially lessen the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the Final EJR. <br /> <br />This finding is based on the fact that the City of San Leandro shall require any new development <br />occurring under the Strategy to incorporate General Plan policies and mitigation measures, as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Mitie:ation for Cultural Resource Impacts <br /> <br />Prior to any new development occurring within the TOD Strategy Area, the developer <br />will provide a plan to the City of San Leandro that utilizes all or some combination of the <br />following strategies to reduce cultural resource impacts: <br /> <br />X Encourage the formation of local historic districts where historic sites and structures <br />are concentrated (General Plan Policy 38.04). <br /> <br />X Update, expand, and maintain inventories of San Leandro's historic resources, using <br />criteria and survey methods that are consistent with state and federal guidelines <br />(General Plan Policy 38.06). <br /> <br />X Ensure that new development, alterations, and remodeling projects on or adjacent to <br />historic properties are sensitive to historic resources and are compatible with the <br />surrounding historic context. Ensure that the San Leandro Zoning Ordinance and <br />any future design guidelines include the necessary standards and guidelines to <br />implement this policy (General Plan Policy 38.07). <br /> <br />8 <br />
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