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<br />Actions Taken To Address the Needs of Homeless Persons and the Special <br />Needs of Persons Who Are Not Homeless but Require Supportive Housing <br /> <br />Activities: <br />. Addressing the Needs of Homeless Persons <br />. After unanimous endorsement of the "Alameda Countywide Homeless and Special Needs <br />Housing Plan ("EveryOne Home Plan") by the City's Human Services Commission, the <br />City's Human Relations Committee also showed its support of the EveryOne Home Plan <br />at its September 20,2006 meeting. Subsequently, the City Council adopted Alameda <br />County's EveryOne Home Plan after a final staff presentation and report was made on <br />November 20, 2006. City staff plan to work more closely with local homeless providers <br />to draft its own City homeless plan to implement appropriate strategies in the EveryOne <br />Home Plan. <br /> <br />. The City funded homeless prevention services provided by BFWC's San Leandro Shelter <br />and Davis Street Family Resource Center. Services included emergency shelter, case <br />management, hot meals and groceries, motel vouchers, medical care, and other services <br />appropriate for each individual. BFWC served 318 homeless women and children, and <br />DSFRC assisted 217 homeless clients and their dependents. <br /> <br />· The City continues to be actively engaged with the Alameda County-wide Homeless <br />Continuum of Care Council (COC), a 45-member organization composed of homeless <br />service providers, cities, County agencies, and consumers of homeless services. Two <br />City staff participate on different subcommittees to help strategize and implement the <br />Alameda County EveryOne Home Plan. City staff also participate in quarterly meetings <br />to provide input regarding restructuring the cae. The HOME T AC jurisdictions, <br />including San Leandro, contribute to the cost of the County's administration of the cae. <br /> <br />The City of San Leandro is committed to filling the gaps in service along the continuum and <br />assuring that services now being provided are not lost. The following table summarizes the <br />City's programs in each component of the "continuum" to implement the Continuum of Care <br />strategy: <br /> <br />Outreach! Assessme Emergency Transitional Permanent Permanent <br />nt Shelters Housing Supportive Housing Affordable Housing <br />Building Futures Building Futures Building Futures Mission Bell Apts.: Over 600 below- <br />with Women and with Women and with Women and units set aside for market rate units <br />Children Children - San Children former foster youth & <br />Davis St. Family Leandro Shelter and special needs clients <br />Resource. Center domestic violence Fuller Gardens & Casa Verde: [68 BMR <br /> shelter Fuller Lodge: 42 rental units projected to <br />Continuum of Care below-market rate be completed & leased <br />Council (BMR) units for up by Spring 2008] <br /> developmentally <br /> disabled <br /> 311 BMR units at 5 ECHO Housing Rental <br /> apartment complexes for Assistance Program <br /> senIors <br /> <br />Final Consolidated Annual Perfollllance and Evaluation Report: FY2006-2007 <br />Ci ty of San Leandro <br />Page I 9 <br />