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Excerpts from the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes October 11, 2007 <br />Agenda No. 07-19 Page 4 of 4 <br />Chair Reed applauded the applicant for the work done on the project and their <br />cooperation with the planning staff. He said that he, like some of the other <br />Commissioners, would favor a little bit of architectural detail to help the duplex fit in <br />with the rest of the dwellings, and he would like to see it painted to more compatible with <br />the rest of the project as well. <br />Ms. Leung thanked the Commission, and appreciates all that she is learning through this <br />process also. <br />Commissioner Collier said she saw no reason that the Planning Commission should not <br />vote on the planned development tonight, with the condition that revised drawings that <br />pertain to the duplex be submitted to the Planning Department at some point to ensure <br />that it conforms to the recommendations made. <br />Chair Reed invited members of the audience to address the issue. <br />Vice -Chair Dlugosh, agreeing with Commissioner Collier, said that he thinks this <br />project is very well done, particularly for the area. He also appreciates the efforts that the <br />owner and designer have made to respond to Commissioners' prior recommendations. <br />Given their desire to accomplish items discussed tonight, he said he has no problem <br />going forward with the proposal either. <br />Commissioner Ponder also likes the project, a lot more than the one submitted some <br />years ago for apartments on the same site. <br />Planner Penaranda said he would add a condition that, prior to issuing building permits, <br />all plans and specifications shall be submitted for the review and approval of the <br />Community Development Director to ensure the quality of the exterior design, as well as <br />the accent roof band on the duplex be submitted for review by the director or staff along <br />with the other details. <br />Vice -Chair Dlugosh asked whether Chair Reed wanted his suggestion on building colors <br />added to those specifications. <br />Chair Reed said that it is only a suggestion for staff to consider, and that he does not <br />require it to be an absolute condition. <br />Motion to Forward to City Council with a Recommendation for Approval <br />Matter of PLN 2007-00050; Rezoning and Planned Development with the <br />Categorical Exemption for CEQA <br />Subject to Planning Department Recommended Conditions of Approval <br />Collier /Abero; 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, I Absent — Approved <br />END OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />