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240-254 Callan Avenue; PLN2007-00050 6 November 19, 2007 <br />24. Exhibit Q — Landscape Plan and Fence Detail (Sheet L1) <br />25. Exhibit R - Perspective Photo -Simulation from Callan Avenue <br />26. Exhibit S — Exterior Materials Board (Not attached; will be shown at the City Council <br />Meeting) <br />27. Exhibit T — Paving Materials Board (Not attached; will be shown at the City Council <br />Meeting) <br />CONCLUSION <br />The proposal provides in -fill housing on an underutilized site. The development plans would be <br />compatible with the surrounding area. The proposed architecture would enhance the appearance <br />of the Callan Avenue neighborhood. The rezone would be a reduction in the zoning of the <br />property to a less intensive use — from a maximum density of eight residential units on the <br />property to five units. Although the General Plan calls for high-density development, the <br />proposed project is a good transition product between the existing lower -density development to <br />the east and north and the higher -density development to the west of the property. The proposal <br />meets various General Plan Policies by providing a residential project which would be situated <br />very near the East 14th Street and Davis Street transit corridors. The development, due to its <br />close proximity, would also be well served by the San Leandro Downtown area and the <br />Downtown Plaza Shopping Center. <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council approve the following: <br />1. Find that the Rezone and Planned Development is Categorically Exempt from CEQA <br />pursuant to Sections 15303 (b) and 15332. <br />2. An Ordinance to rezone the property from RM -1800 Residential Multi -Family District to <br />RM -2500 (PD) Residential Multi -Family, Planned Development Overlay District. <br />3. The Planned Development to construct three detached single-family homes and retain the <br />existing duplex subject to the recommended findings and revised recommended <br />conditions of approval, by motion. <br />