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4A Public Hearing 2007 1203
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Packet 2007 1203
4A Public Hearing 2007 1203
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11/28/2007 4:17:05 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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~'licl- Tarn, l~c~, i~,~; [?~ ~1t~i-ember 29, 2(x(3 r <br />The Mid-Tenn Review of the Implementation Plan is required by Section 33490 of the Health <br />and Safety Code. The Mid-Term Review is a report on efforts in the project areas, including any <br />chanffes to the objectives, an update on the status of economic development programs and public <br />improvement projects, and updated data on tax increment and program expenditures. The State <br />of California requests all redevelopment agencies to hold a public hearing during the third year <br />of the implementation plan's five year period to hear testimony of all interested parties for the <br />purpose of reviewing the redevelopment plan and the corresponding implementation plan for <br />each redevelopment project area. <br />Analysis <br />Tax Increment Summary: The 2007 update of the original five year tax increment projections <br />for the three project areas increased significantly over the 2004 projections. The 2007 update of <br />the five year available tas increment projection of $14.5 million, is 49°io higher than then 2004 <br />projection of $9.7 million, mainly due to factors such as private investment, the tw-nover of <br />property, a strong housing market and public infrastructure investment. The additional revenue <br />for each project area has been allocated to new projects and increases in identified capital <br />improvement projects as follows: <br />• In the Plaza Project Area, the approximately $1.4 million in additional revenue was spent <br />on the History Walk and West Estudillo Pedestrian Connection Improvement Project <br />completed in 2006. <br />• In the Joint Project Area, the approximately $900,000 in additional revenue is available <br />for redevelopment purposes, including the design and construction of a new Senior <br />Center <br />• In the West San Leandro/MacArthur Project Area, $l .2 million of the approximately $2.5 <br />million in additional revenue was expended on additional costs associated with the <br />MacArthur Streetscape project. The remaining 51.3 million has been allocated to the <br />Doolittle Drive Streetscape project. <br />Housing set-aside funding projections for the five year period doubled from the $5.5 million <br />projected in 2004 to $11 million in 2007. Of the additional $5.5 million in projected Housing <br />Set-Aside revenue, $3 million was expended on the transformation of the Islander Motel to 67 <br />very low income units at Casa Verde. The remaining $2.5 million is available for Eden <br />Housing's proposed senior housing development on East 14`h and Estabrook Streets or other <br />future development. <br />Goals Achievement Summary: Although strategies differed, the goals in all three project areas <br />remained the same - to eliminate blight. The specific programs and initiatives undertaken to date <br />in pursuit of the Implementation Plan objectives, by project area, follow. <br />Plaza Project Area Summary <br />• Completion of the West Estudillo Pedestrian Enhancements and the San Leandro History <br />Walk. <br />Adoption of a Transit Oriented Development Strategy which encourages public transit <br />use and improves the pedestrian environment of the downtown. <br />
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