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Agency staff successfully partnered with BART, Alameda County, and Bayfair Center <br />owners, Madison Marquette, to complete a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and <br />Access Plan in March 2007. The TOD and Access Plan was funded through a Caltrans <br />grant and will provide the framework for future development and access improvements <br />between the Bayfair Center and the Bayfair BART station. <br />Additional capital improvement projects in the JPA, which are identified as priorities and are <br />intended to be implemented in pursuit of the capital improvements objective, include: <br />• The reconstruction and/or significant repair of aging infrastructure such as streets, curbs <br />and sidewalks, and the undergrounding of utilities along major arterials and other major <br />corridors in the JPA. <br />• To implement the Downtown TOD Strategy and promote pedestrian activity and retail <br />development, the Agency will undertake the design and construction of an approximately <br />500 space parking garage with street level retail and office space to serve the downtown, <br />including the Plaza and Joint Project Areas. <br />• The Agency will participate in funding the completion of the 150' Avenue Triangle <br />Transit Plaza and Landscape Improvement Project. <br />Now almost 15 years old, the JPA is beginning to see an increase in net tax increment. This <br />increase has allowed the Agency to improve the economic health of the JPA through economic <br />development programs and to upgrade the appearance and infrastructure of the project area <br />through public improvement programs. The grow-th in tax increment and its allocation and can be <br />seen by comparing the tables below. Table 5 contains the 2004-2009 Implementation Plan <br />projected funds allocation while Table Sa show the actual fund allocations through FY 2006-07 <br />and the budgeted amounts for FY 2007-0$ and FY 2008-2009. <br />Table 5. Joint Project Area Funds Allocation -2004 Estimates <br /> <br />Fiscal Year Net Tax <br />Increment Pre-Existing <br />OPA/DDA Obli ations <br />Admin <br />2004-05 530,000 660,000 160,000 <br />2005-06 570,000 670,000 160,000 <br />2006-07 1,030,000 770,000 170,000 <br />2007-08 1,070,000 800, 000 170, 000 <br />2008-09 1,110,000 820,000 180,000 <br />Source: City of San Leandro Redevelopment .Agency, Urban Analytics. <br />Table Sa. Joint Proiect Area T~unds Allncatinn- 2O~7 TTn~ate <br /> <br />Fiscal <br />Year <br />Net Tax <br />Increment <br />OPA/DDA <br />Obli ations <br /> <br />Admin Senior Center & <br />E, I4'~St <br />Median Work Capital <br />Improvement <br />Pro ects <br />Business <br />Assistance <br />2004-OS 513,231 722,104 146,242 0 49,546 $47,496 <br />2005-06 364,088 583,578 149,528 858 4,120 $4,902 <br />2006-07 996,903 652,889 324,424 3,129 45,547 $0 <br />2007-08 1, 61 ~, 020 613, 050 523, 013 809, 712 280, 000 200, 000 <br />2008-09 I, 7~ 9, 735 407, 848 544, 703 I50, 000 Unknown 200, 000 <br />~~~,~~. ~~~y ~. oau uanwu ncuevmupuiem agency, uroan anaiyncs. rigures m uancs represent pro~ecuons <br />Mid-Term Review Page 9 <br />