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Parkiru4 Spaces: Article 17 of the City's zoning code outlines the number of <br />parking spaces required for multi-family projects. The current parking for the <br />project is a total of 167 parking spaces. The underground garage parking spaces <br />equals 94, and there are 73 surface parking spaces. The project is deficient by <br />12 parking spaces. The surface parking krt adjacent to Haas Avenue will be r~e- <br />constructed to add 13 additional parking spaces for a total of 180 spaces. <br />Please Hafer to the tentative map for a detailed layout of the spaces. <br />Washers and Dryers: Section 5-2412 F of the Condominium Conversion <br />Ordinance outlines a formula for the calculation of the number of washers and <br />dryers n3quired for the buildings. The required number of washers and dryers for <br />96 units is 20 each. <br />3 <br />