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City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department <br />Planning Services Division <br />Staff Report <br />With Comments from Applicant <br />DATE: December 6, 2007 <br />TO: Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />FROM: Kathleen Livermore, Interim Planning Manager <br />BY: Maryann Miller, Planner III <br />SUBJECT: PLN2007-00013; Conditional Use Permit for Faith Fellowship Worship Center, <br />14600 /14850 Catalina Street, Assessor Parcel Numbers 080G-933-20, 21 and 22- <br />1 (Faith Fellowship Worship Center, a.k.a International Church Foursquare <br />Gospel, Applicant), Industrial Park (IP) Zoning District <br />Commenting for the Applicant, Faith Fellowship Church, is Peter MacDonald. <br />Applicant comments and supplemental information are in blue. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />The applicant has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an assembly <br />use at 14600 and 14850 Catalina Street, at the southeast corner of Catalina Street and Farallon <br />Drive. The property is zoned Industrial Park (IP). <br />The proposed project consists of utilizing an existing 46,080 square -foot vacant industrial <br />building (formerly occupied by MDL, a data software company) spanning three separate parcels. <br />The parcel addresses correspond to 14600 and 14850 Catalina Street, and consist of a total of <br />154,889 square feet, or 3.55 acres. The site would be used for the operation of the Faith <br />Fellowship Worship Center (a.k.a International Church of the Foursquare Gospel). <br />Since 1993, Faith Fellowship Church has been located at 577 Manor Blvd., in a facility with <br />29,010 sq. ft. and 155 parking spaces. In 2003 Faith Fellowship proposed expanding its Manor <br />facility to 830 seats, but the City limited the sanctuary to 650 seats. The congregation size keeps <br />growing and is now approximately 1500 members, exceeding the capacity of the current facility. <br />Services have been added but there is still Sunday morning traffic congestion, with traffic <br />backed up on narrow Manor Blvd., and parking congestion, with cars parked for several blocks <br />in each direction in this residential neighborhood. Faith Fellowship has been searching for an <br />adequate location for its growing congregation, and believes that 14600 Catalina is an ideal site <br />with almost no bad impacts on adjacent properties or the City. <br />