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In addition to three scheduled Sunday services at 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 11:55 a.m., <br />additional activities proposed by the applicant include weekly "food fellowship and bible study" <br />sessions for approximately 400 attendees, other weekly meetings and bible study programs for <br />women and intermediate, high school and college students, a weekly singles' group, child care <br />for attendees, weekly choir rehearsals and other events. <br />In the opinion of staff, the primary proposed use meets the San Leandro Zoning Code definition of <br />"assembly use," which is not a permitted or conditionally permitted use in the IP District. Therefore, <br />staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Adjustments make the necessary findings and deny <br />application PLN2007-00013. <br />The Uniform Building Code applicable in all California cities including San Leandro has a <br />definition of "Assembly Building". <br />"Assembly Building. A building or a portion o f "a building used for the gathering together of 'SO <br />or more persons at one time, for such purposes as deliberation, education, worship, <br />entertainment, amusement, drinking or dining, or waiting.fbr transportation." Uniform Building <br />Code Section 203 A. <br />What is the compelling reason that justifies a separate and unequal rule in the zoning code <br />discriminating against a religious assembly use based upon the content of the speech occurring <br />within the building? (See "Our Core Argument" attached.) <br />APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING STATEMENT <br />See attached Applicant Statement, with supplementary information on proposed Faith Fellowship <br />Worship Center. <br />RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING AREA <br />The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Catalina Street and Farallon Drive. It is <br />currently developed with a 46,080 square -foot vacant industrial building on 154,889 square feet, <br />or 3.55 acres, and is owned by the applicant, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. <br />The property is zoned Industrial Park (IP) and falls within the Marina Faire neighborhood. The <br />property is also located within the West San Leandro General Plan Focus Area. The properties <br />to the south and west are zoned IP Industrial Park and are developed with various types of <br />industrial uses. To the north and east, on either side of Farallon Drive, the property is zoned IG, <br />General Industrial, and are also developed with industrial warehouses. The closest residential <br />land uses are located approximately 620 feet to the west, on the west side of Doolittle Drive. <br />BACKGROUND <br />On May 19, 2006, the City received an application (PLN#2006-00049) from Faith Fellowship <br />requesting a Zoning Code amendment to conditionally permit Assembly Uses in the Industrial <br />Limited (IL) zones, and to rezone the property at the corner of Catalina Street and Farallon Drive <br />BZA Staff Report December 6, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00013 Page 2 of ll <br />