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3A Public Hearing 2008 0219 Supplement
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2008 0219
3A Public Hearing 2008 0219 Supplement
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6/5/2019 8:11:59 AM
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3/4/2008 2:00:34 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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3A Public Hearing 2008 0219
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Virtually all better planned cities, including Fremont, Pleasanton, Dublin, Livermore, and <br />Concord have allowed churches in light industrial areas. The synergistic benefits extend beyond <br />shared parking, and include off peak uses that provide eyes on the street when industrial areas <br />are abandoned, off peak traffic use, and human amenities typically associated with church <br />activities. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />Conditional Use Permit <br />The subject property is located within an area that is zoned Industrial Park (IP). The zoning code <br />regulations applicable to the IP District allow "entertainment activities," subject to a conditional use <br />permit, but do not allow "assembly use," either with or without a conditional use permit. The <br />applicant proposes that their religious worship center meets the definition of an "entertainment <br />activity." The San Leandro Zoning Code defines "entertainment activities" as: <br />" ... [T]he following activities where they occur on a scheduled basis (3) or more days <br />during a calendar year on the site of any permitted or conditionally permitted use, excluding <br />activities for the non-profit, charitable or educational proposes (sic) of public or private <br />institutional uses <br />A. A musical, theatrical, wrestling, dance recital, cabaret, or comedy act performed by one <br />(1) or more persons, regardless of whether performers are compensated; <br />B. Any form of dancing by patrons or guests at a business establishment not otherwise <br />regulated as either a "Dance Hall" or an "Instruction and Improvement Services" use <br />classification; <br />C. A fashion show, except when conducted within an enclosed building used primarily for <br />the manufacture or sale of clothing; <br />D. Any form of recorded entertainment using amplified recorded music, such as karaoke <br />systems; <br />E. Televised events, with such features as "big screen" projection systems." <br />The applicant asserts that the proposed use qualifies as an "entertainment activity," apparently <br />on the grounds that some or all of its religious assemblies will include a musical, theatrical or <br />dance component. <br />However, any such musical, theatrical or dance uses proposed for the site appear not to be the <br />primary uses proposed, but rather to be uses incidental to a primary use consisting of religious <br />services and group meetings. Staff has determined that the services and meetings that would <br />constitute the primary use of the site would meet the Zoning Code's definition of an "assembly <br />use." "Assembly use" is defined in the San Leandro Zoning Code as: <br />"Meeting, recreational, social facilities of a private or non-profit organization primarily <br />for use by member of guests, or facilities for religious worship and incidental religious <br />education (but not including schools as defined in this section). This classification <br />includes union halls, social clubs, fraternal organizations, and youth centers." <br />BZA Staff Report December 6, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00013 Page 5 of 11 <br />
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