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3A Public Hearing 2008 0219 Supplement
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Packet 2008 0219
3A Public Hearing 2008 0219 Supplement
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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According to the definition of "entertainment activities" quoted above, the listed activities may <br />be permitted when they "occur ... on the site of any permitted or conditionally permitted use." <br />However, the primary assembly -type use requested here is not a permitted, or conditionally <br />permitted, use in the IP District, except on parcels that are covered by the AU overlay. The project <br />site is in the IP District and does not have the AU overlay. Therefore, any proposed <br />"entertainment activities" cannot be permitted as "occurring on the site of a permitted or <br />conditionally permitted use." Accordingly, staff recommends that the application for a <br />conditional use permit for the proposed use be denied. <br />The definition of "Entertainment", and the Staff analysis above, assume that "separate but equal" <br />treatment of religious assembly is lawful, and that San Leandro is not subject to the U.S. Code. <br />and the First Amendment. In fact, it is unlawful for a "government to impose or implement a <br />land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious assembly or institution on less than <br />equal terms with a nonreligious assembly or institution" 42 U.S. C. Section 2000cc(b)(1). <br />(discussed further in "Our Core Argument". <br />Parking Code <br />Deficiencies: <br />Parking requirements for assembly uses, per Zoning Code Article 17, are 1 space for 50 square feet <br />of assembly use. The applicant is proposing 185 spaces only. It is staff's position that the use of <br />the existing industrial building for an assembly use would far exceed the amount of parking <br />proposed. <br />The proposed use does not meet Article 17, Off -Street Parking and Loading Regulations for an <br />assembly use, which requires 1 parking space per 50 square feet of assembly space. According to <br />staff's calculations, the amount of assembly space proposed for the site is 10,348 square feet for the <br />main sanctuary, 4,130 square feet for the youth ministry area, 2,386 square feet for the children's <br />assembly area and 1,761 square feet for the lounge for a total of 18,625 square feet of assembly <br />area. By applying the 1 space per 50 square feet ratio, the use would be required to provide 373 <br />parking spaces to meet the City's parking standards. In contrast, this proposal would only provide <br />fifty (50) percent of the required parking, thereby creating potentially significant parking impacts to <br />surrounding land uses in the project vicinity. (Refuted earlier.) <br />Traffic Impacts <br />According to the trip generation rates provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers <br />(ITE), the amount of traffic generated by the proposed assembly use would be potentially <br />significant. For instance, on Sundays, the average volume of vehicular trips generated would be <br />1,688 ADTs. During peak periods, there would be an average of 542 cars traveling to and from <br />the proposed use, per hour, on Sundays. During the weekdays, when traffic generated to and <br />from the proposed use is expected to be lower in volume, as most church services and activities <br />are occurring on the week -ends, there would still be approximately 419 ADTs generated by the <br />proposed assembly use. <br />BZA Staff Report December 6, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00013 Page 6 of 11 <br />
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