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ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT (APSA) PROGRAM <br />GRANT APPLICATION <br />The City of San Leandro's Environmental Services (CUPA) will incorporate implementation of the <br />Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) Program into the existing Unified Program structure <br />established for the City. The current activities of verifying preparation of an SPCC and referrals to the <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board will be replaced with implementation and administration of the <br />APSA, beginning on January 1, 2008. The following work plan and associated timelines for completion <br />address all aspects related to the City of San Leandro's planned APSA implementation activities during <br />the period of this two year grant; from January 1, 2008, through December 30, 2009. <br />A. Identification of Covered Facilities <br />Using the Aboveground Storage Tank Facility list provided by Cal/EPA and cross ,referencing it with the <br />CUPA's data; City staff will finalize initial identification of the regulated tank facilities within the Cities <br />jurisdiction. The list will be compared with the existing CUPA facility database to determine those <br />facilities already regulated under one or more Unified Program elements that handle petroleum <br />materials in amounts that are equal to or in excess of 1,320 gallons. The list will then be segregated <br />based on the following categories: <br />1. Tank facilities w/ storage capacity >_1,320 and <_9,999 gallons <br />3. Tank facilities w/ storage capacity ?10,000 and <_99,999 gallons <br />4. Tank facilities w/ storage capacity ?100,000 and <_999,999 gallons <br />5. Tank facilities w/ storage capacity ?1,000,000 and x9,999,999 gallons <br />6. Tank facilities w/ storage capacity >_10,000,000 and x99,999,999 gallons <br />7. Tank facilities w/ storage capacity >_100,000,000 gallons <br />7, Exempted tank facilities <br />The City of San Leandro CUPA will submit a final list of active regulated tank facilities to Cal/EPA by <br />December 1, 2008. <br />B. Staffing Plan <br />Staff resources for the initial implementation phase (January 1, 2008 -December 31, 2009) of the <br />APSA Program will involve utilization of existing CUPA staff. As part of the CUPA's staffing plan and <br />adoption of the single fee for the APSA Program, the adequacy of proposed staffing resources will <br />include an analysis of: <br />1. The number and oversight category of regulated tank facilities within the jurisdiction; <br />2. An estimate of the annual number of compliance, follow-up enforcement and complaint inspections, <br />considering cost of the following. activities: <br />(i) Inspections and the related travel, research, field reports, data management, file maintenance, <br />correspondence, and documentation; <br />(ii) Inspection and enforcement activities including warnings, notices, meetings, hearings, legal <br />proceedings, and documentation; <br />~ APSA GRANT APPLICATION -March 2008 <br />