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ABOVEGROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE ACT (APSA) PROGRAM <br />. GRANT APPLICATION <br />(iii) Registration activities including application submittals, plan reviews, modifications and revisions, <br />and fiacility evaluations; <br />(iv) Training including field, meetings, seminars, workshops, courses and literature reviews; <br />(v) Administrative including program implementation and cost analysis, facility self-certification <br />tracking, APSA fee development and UP procedural or ordinance review/revision; <br />(vi) Management including short term operation scheduling and supervision, long term program <br />planning and implementation, grant management and invoicing, UP program integration and <br />reporting. <br />By February 2010, sufficient information will have been collected on the necessary resources to <br />implement the APSA program and initiate a locally funded .fee based enterprise fund to replace the <br />EPTF grant funding source. <br />C. Staff Training Plan <br />CUPA staff will attend the AST Training Program developed by Cal/EPA, which is scheduled to be <br />delivered in late summer -early fall of 2008 in order to be certified to perform APSA inspections and <br />compliance evaluations. In future, newly hired APSA Program staff will go through the AST computer- <br />based training course currently under development for Inspector certification. The APSA Program <br />standards will be incorporated into the CUPA's ongoing training program and provided to program staff <br />on a regular basis. The UP training module for the AST program will be updated to reflect APSA <br />implementation by March 2009. <br />D. Inspection and Compliance Plan <br />As part of the City of San Leandro CUPA's Unified Inspection and Enforcement Program, the CUPA will <br />ensure all regulated businesses subject to the APSA Program are in compliance with all the program <br />requirements, including SPCC Plan preparation and implementation, annual submission of their facility <br />statement, and spill notifications. Exempted tank facilities will be periodically reviewed to verify that <br />their total tank capacity is less than 20,000 gallons and to ensure they are performing and documenting <br />their daily tank inspections. Tank facilities with storage capacity of ?1,320 and <10,000 gallons will be <br />periodically reviewed to verify that their total tank capacity is less than 10,000 gallons, to ensure that <br />they have prepared and are implementing an SPCC Plan, are submitting their annual facility <br />statements, and are paying applicable Unified Program fees. Tank facilities with storage capacity of <br />>_10,000 gallons will be inspected at least once every three years to ensure that they have prepared <br />and are implementing an SPCC Plan in compliance with U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 40CFR part <br />112. The inspection will also include visual inspection of a representative sample of the tanks at the <br />tank facility. The inspection and all violations discovered during the inspections will be documented on <br />an inspection report form. Minor violations will be clearly identified and required to be corrected within <br />30 days. The owner/operator of the tank facility will be required to certify that all minor violations have <br />been corrected. For more significant or serious violations, the CUPA will initiate higher levels of <br />enforcement, including an administrative enforcement action or referral of the case to the City Attorney <br />or County District Attorney for civil enforcement. <br />3 ~ APSA GRANT APPLICATION -March 2008 <br />