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Analysis <br />Combining the Lunderground conduit work for all the agencies into one contract is the typical <br />practice for utility undergrounding projects because it allows for more efficient construction; <br />minimizing the traffic impact and expense. One agency is designated as the lead agency, taking <br />responsibility for preparing plans, bidding the work, and overseeing the contractor. PG&E <br />previously acted as the project lead on all underground projects but since its bankruptcy in 2001 <br />it has requested that the role be rotated among the utilities and local agencies. <br />As the lead agency on this project, AT&T has completed the project plans and submitted them <br />along with an estimate of the cost to construct the City's facilities. Entering into an agreement <br />with AT&T will obligate the City to pay for the actual cost, which will not be known until the <br />bids are opened. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />• Not Applicable <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />~ On October 4, 1999 by Resolution No. 99-149, the City Council created an Underground <br />Utility District on East 14r~' from 153rd Avenue to the Southern City Limits. <br />• On February 3, 2003 by Resolution No. 03-021, the City Council approved the five year <br />project list for underground utility district conversion projects. <br />• On April 7, 2003 by Resolution No. 03-091, the City Council extended the Underground <br />Utility District on East 14r" to include 150`x' Avenue to 153rd Avenue. <br />• On November 1, 200 by Resolution No. 04-161, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute an agreement with Pacific Bell Telephone Company relating to aerial <br />underground utility conversion for East 14r~ Street. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />None <br />Applicable General Ylan Policy <br />None <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />• An encroachment permit has been obtained from Caltrans for work on this State highway. <br />Environmental Review <br />• The project is Categorically Exempt <br />K:AAA-C\COUNCIL~2008\3 MAR ] 7~,AGREEMENT WITH AT AND T STAFF MEM.doc <br />