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Code Compliance Review <br />Not Applicable <br />BoardlCommission Findings <br />Not Applicable <br />Sammary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />None <br />Fiscal Impact <br />• This project is funded by underground utility fees collected when building permits are issued <br />for properties with frontage on underground utility streets. <br />• The total cost of replacing the street lights and providing underground power for the lights is <br />$515,000 which will be funded by existing allocations in account 210-38-172. <br />• The City's share of the underground conduit construction contract is estimated to cost <br />$188,000. <br />• Comcast and AT&T will underground their facilities without cost to the City. <br />• PG&E will use Rule 20A money to underground its facilities. The estimated Rule 20A cost <br />is $2,200,000. <br />• The Public Works Department has estimated that this project will result in additional annual <br />maintenance costs of approximately $8,000.00. <br />Budget Authority <br />• Funding was approved in the Fiscal Year 03-04 CIP budget, Account No. 210-38-172 <br />Attachments <br />None <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with AT&T for <br />construction of underground street light conduits. <br />K;~AA-C\COUNCIL~2008\3 MAR 17\AGREEMENT WITH AT AND T STAFF MEM.doc <br />