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"Robert's Landing" means a unit of the City of San Leandro's park system operated and <br />maintained by the City of San Leandro. <br />"Reintroduction" means the USFWS's recovery action related to the controlled propagation <br />and transplantation (reintroduction) of California sea-blite within its historic range. <br />"Listed species" means a species (including a subspecies or a distinct population segment of a <br />vertebrate species) that is listed as endangered or threatened under the Act. <br />"MOU" means Memorandum of Understanding, in this case between the City of San Leandro <br />and the USFWS. <br />"Take" means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect any <br />listed species. Harm means an act that actually kills or injures a member of a listed species, <br />including an act that causes significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills <br />or injures a member of a listed species by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, <br />including breeding, feeding, or sheltering. <br />"City" means the City of San Leandro. <br />"USFWS" means U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. <br />OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES <br />Obligations of the City: The City agrees to allow USFWS to fully implement the 2006 <br />California Sea-blite (Suaeda californica) Reintroduction Plan, San Francisco Bay, California <br />(Attachment A) on City lands at Robert's Landing. The City is under no obligation to spend its <br />funds to implement the reintroduction plan. <br />Obligations oi'the USFWS: USFWS will fully and faithfully perform all obligations assigned <br />to it under this MOU and the 2006 California Sea-bZite (Suaeda tali ornica) Reintroduction <br />Plan, San Francisco Bay, California (Attachment A). The USFWS will utilize its own <br />resources, including expenditure of its funds, in pursuing these objectives. <br />If a new species that is not discussed in this MOU, but that maybe affected by activities covered <br />by the MOU, is listed or proposed under the Act, the USFWS will reevaluate the project. The <br />USFWS will work together with the City to modify the MOU, as necessary, to ensure that the <br />activities covered are not likely to jeopardize the existence of the listed or proposed species, or <br />result in take or in adverse modification of any proposed or designated critical habitat of the <br />newly listed species. <br />The USFWS shall work with the City, if necessary, to implement any modifications to the MOU <br />covered activities to avoid the likelihood of jeopardy to the species, or take or adverse <br />modification of the proposed or designated critical habitat of the newly listed species. <br />2 <br />