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D. Prior to vertical construction or combustible storage on site, an approved emergency <br />vehicle access road is required within 150 feet of the exterior walls of the buildings. <br />Fire apparatus roadways shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet and an <br />unobstructed vertical clearance of not less thar_ 13 feet 6 inches. Roadways under 36 <br />feet wide shall be posted with signs or shall have red curbs painted with labels on one <br />side; roadways under 28 feet wide shall be posted with signs or shall have red curbs <br />painted with labels on both sides of the street as follows: "NO STOPPING FIRE LANE <br />- CVC 22500.1". (CFC 902). <br />E. Prior to issuance of building permits, the allowable area of the buildings shall comply <br />with chapter 5 of the CBC. <br />F. Prior to occupancy, a Knox box is required for each building for access to the fire alarm <br />panel and at each gate that is required for emergency vehicle access. <br />G. Prior to occupancy, approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on the buildings. <br />The address shall be positioned as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or <br />road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background (CFC, <br />901.4.4) <br />H. Prior to occupancy, high piled storage in the buildings shall comply with CFC article 81. <br />The project shall comply with the applicable Building and Fire Codes. Site and building <br />plans shall be provided for reUiew and approval by the Fire Department, through <br />completion of the project. <br />IV. MAINTENANCE <br />A. The project site shall be well maintained and shall be kept free of litter, debris and weeds <br />at all tinges. <br />B. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition at all times. Any <br />damaged or dead plant material shall be promptly replaced with a plant material similar in <br />type and comparable in size to the plant(s) being removed. <br />C. Any graffiti shall be promptly removed from building walls and fences. <br />D. The applicant shall keep the entire site free of litter accumulations, including removal of <br />litter, which collects against fences or buildings or the landscaped area. <br />E. Trash enclosures shall be screened to be not visible from neighboring businesses or from <br />any public right of way. Debris shall be kept in the trash enclosures and shall not be <br />stacked around them. <br />F. Trees on site shall be mature and planted in locations so that the lowest branches are eight <br />feet above the sidewalk and 14 feet above the roadway. <br />Agreement to Conditions of Approval January 22, 2008 <br />PLN30U7-00057 Page 4 of 9 <br />