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demolition or similar action, for or on any private property, public or private <br />right-of--way, streets, structures, utilities, facilities, or other similar property. <br />Construction activities carried on in violation of this Article may be enforced as <br />provided in Section 4-ll-1130, and may also be enforced by issuance of a stop <br />work order and/or revocation of any or all permits issued for such construction <br />activity. <br />VI. SECURITY MEASURES <br />A. Window signs shall not exceed 25% of the visible window area and shall not be <br />placed in a manner to obscure the view of inside the building space. <br />B. If installed for security, lighting shall be set for motion detection and shall not <br />remain constantly lit between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. All exterior light <br />fixtures shall be sluelded so as not to impact adj acent residential properties. <br />A. Prior to opening the restaurant, the following items shall be installed, details subject <br />to the review and approval of the Police Department and the Community <br />Development Director: <br />1. A robbery and burglary alarm. <br />2, A drop safe in the cashier's or rear storage area. <br />3. A security camera within the building for the security and surveillance of inside the <br />sales and cashier's areas <br />VII. SIGNAGE <br />A. Prior to installation, the applicant shall submit precise details for the new signage, <br />for review by the Zoning Enforcement Official. Said details shall include but are <br />not limited to location, color or copy, sign area calculations, and method of <br />construction or attachment to the building. A building permit is required for <br />signage prior to installation. <br />B. No temporary or unauthorized signs, including but not limited to banners, <br />balloons, streams and pennants shall be placed on the property, unless approved <br />by the City under a Special Event Permit. <br />VIII. GENERAL CONDITIONS <br />A. All deliveries shall be on the subject property and shall not obstruct access in the <br />public right-of--way or on-site circulation. <br />B. The site shall be well maintained and shall be kept free of litter, debris and weeds. <br />C. Twice daily, the store operator shall patrol the property and adjacent streets for a <br />distance of 1,000 feet from the exterior property lines to pick up any trash or litter <br />attributable to the restaurant. Identifiable containers and napkins shall be used for all <br />carryout, and all litter resulting shall be promptly removed. <br />Agreement to Conditions January 24, 2008 <br />PLN2007-00079 Page 6 of 7 <br />