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CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />PLN2007-00081-MINOR MODIFICATION to <br />Planned Development (PD-77-3) <br />15065 -15255 East 14r~ Street and 1250 -1334 Fairmont Drive <br />Assessor's Parcel Number 77D-1495-3; 4; 9, -13, -15, -17, -18 <br />Duane Ventures, LLC (Applicant and Property Owner) <br />I. COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS <br />A. The applicant and/or property owner shall comply with Exhibits A and K, dated February 5, <br />2008, except as hereinafter modified. (Exhibits are on file at the City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California). <br />Exhibit A -Site Plan (Sheet 1) <br />Exhibit B -Building 1 Elevations (Sheet 2) <br />Exhibit C -Building 2 Elevations (Sheet 3) <br />Exhibit D -Building 3 Elevations (Sheet 4) <br />Exhibit E -Building 4 Elevations (Sheet 5) <br />Exhibit F - Building 5 Elevations (Sheet 6) <br />Exhibit G -Building 6 Elevations (Sheet 7) <br />Exhibit H -Building 7 Elevations (Sheet 8) <br />Exhibit I - Color Legend (Sheet 9) <br />Exhibit J - Wall Sections (Sheet 10) <br />Exhibit K - Signage Guidelines (Sheet 11) <br />B. The applicant and/or properly owner shall be responsible for assuring that any successor in <br />interest who assumes responsibility for this zoning approval is informed of its terms and <br />conditions. <br />C. Approval of this Minor Modification allows the applicant and/or the property owner to make <br />minor changes to the building exterior and roof style and height of the existing building, per <br />the attached exhibits. The building exterior and roof changes shall remain in substantial <br />compliance with the approved plans indicated in Exhibits A through K. Any change to the <br />building exterior or roof shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community <br />Development Director, who may administratively approve or recommend the review by the <br />Planning Commission. <br />D. Conditions of Approval associated with approval of the original subdivision (PD-77-3) shall <br />remain in full affect and are applicable unless specifically superseded by conditions related to <br />this approval. <br />Agreement to Conditions February 5, 2008 <br />PLN2007-00081 Page 3 of 5 <br />