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PROGRESS REPORTS AND MISCELLANEOUS <br />1. For CDBG funds, Agency must submit quarterly and annual reports using the City's reporting form <br />within 15 days of the end of the quarter on the number of persons served. Quarterly reports shall include a <br />narrative section and shall be submitted even if there are no specific numbers to report. The narrative report <br />should describe why no specific numbers are reported. <br />2. To ensure timely expenditure of HUD funds, Agency must submit monthly reimbursement claims <br />using the City's invoice or comparable form with documentation of claim including copies of time sheets <br />(denoting specific hours for CDBG work performed), payroll stubs, DE3 or employment or contract letter for <br />personnel costs, invoices or billings. <br />3. For Human Services funds, if applicable, Agency must submit semi-annual activity reports in the format <br />required by the City. <br />4. Housing Services Division staff will conduct CDBG desk monitoring and a site visit if necessary on an <br />ongoing basis based upon the City's CDBG monitoring plan. <br />5. Agency representatives are encouraged to attend quarterly Directors' meetings. Members of the <br />Human Services Commission and Human Services staff will conduct at least one site visit per year. <br />6. Agency representatives are required to participate in the City of San Leandro and Collaborating <br />Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD) emergency preparedness training. The CARD training program is <br />designed to help agencies maintain an emergency plan and receive basic awareness, education, and training <br />on the emergency operations system of the City of San Leandro. Each agency is required to have a <br />representative attend four (4) required training sessions over atwo-year grant cycle. <br />-15- <br />ECHOAgreement for Landlord Tenant Counseling Services, FY 2008-09 <br />G:ICOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTIHOUSING SERVICES DIVISIONICDBGISUBRECIPIENTSIECHOIFY08-091Tenant LandlordlFY08-09 ECHO CDBG Subrecipient <br />Agreement -Landlord Tenant Counseling.doc <br />