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MINUTES Page 11 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District, and San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 21, 2008 <br />10. ACTION ITEMS <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br />A. Presentation of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro Budget for <br />Fiscal Year 2008-09. <br />Mr. Jermanis provided background on this item and introduced Community <br />Development Director Luke Sims, Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg <br />and Interim Finance Director Perry Carter. <br />Mr. Sims and Ms. Battenberg gave a PowerPoint presentation, providing a breakdown <br />of the Redevelopment Agency budgets, projects and programs for the three <br />Redevelopment Project Areas and for the Housing Set Aside Fund. Mr. Carter <br />presented information on the Agency's funding mechanisms and outstanding debt. <br />Staff responded to questions from the Council. <br />B. Discussion Regarding the Issuance of Ceremonial Proclamations and Commendations. <br />Councilmember Souza. asked whether proclamations issued on behalf of the City <br />Council required approval of the Council. Ms. Williams indicated that generally, <br />actions represented as being taken on behalf of the Council would have to have either <br />been approved by the Council or issued in adherence to a policy adopted by the Council. <br />Councilmember Souza requested that the Council either give pre-approval, or adopt a <br />policy, on the issuance of proclamations. <br />Mayor Santos recalled that Mayor Dave Karp had established a policy of including the <br />City Council in the issuance of proclamations and commendations. Mayor Santos <br />indicated that the number of proclamations requested would take an inordinate amount <br />of time for the Council to review and approve. He suggested that the language could be <br />removed if the Council preferred not to be included in proclamations. <br />Vice Mayor Stephens stated that he understands Councilmember Souza's concern; <br />however, he is personally pleased that Mayor Santos, and Mayor Young before him, <br />included the Council in proclamations. Vice Mayor Stephens commented that most <br />proclamations issued are relatively benign, and in his six years on the Council, he could <br />not recall one that caused him concern. He stated that he was comfortable retaining the <br />current practice. <br />Councilmember Prola expressed agreement with Vice Mayor Stephens, and favored <br />allowing the Mayor to continue to use his discretion in issuing proclamations on behalf <br />of the Council. <br />