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MINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, and San Leandro Redevelopment <br />Agency Joint Meeting-September 2, 2008 <br />a heart attack prior to the meeting, and received life-saving treatment as a result of the <br />quick response by paramedics onsite. <br />Councilmember Souza also attended the Alameda County Fire Commission meeting, at <br />which the Chief reported that firefighters from other countries came to fight the <br />California wildfires. <br />Vice Mayor Grant reported that she attended the Oakland Board of Trade Luncheon on <br />August 8. <br />Councilmember Prola reported that he was unable to attend the monthly Alameda <br />County Mosquito Abatement District monthly meeting; however, the minutes of the <br />meeting indicated that the first human case of West Nile Virus in Alameda County this <br />year was reported, as well as three positive bird reports. <br />Mayor Santos reported that the East Bay Dischargers Authority is still searching for a <br />new General Manager, and the Board will meet next week to continue its discussions. <br />Mayor Santos reported that at the next ACTIA meeting, he will raise the subject of the <br />City's difficulty complying with the Authority's requirements for the I-880/Washington <br />project. <br />B. Reports on Conferences and Seminars <br />Councilmember Souza reported that she attended the Chrysler California Latino Caucus <br />Leadership training. At the training, she had the opportunity to meet 22-year old <br />Fairfield Councilmember Matt Garcia, who was shot last night and later died. <br />Councilmember Souza. requested that tonight's meeting be adjourned in his memory. <br />Councilmember Gregory reported that he attended an annual meeting of Alameda <br />County entities, and provided the group with the history and status of Shape Up San <br />Leandro. <br />C. Reports on Empowerment Funds <br />None. <br />D. Reports on City Council Committees <br />1. Business and Housing Development Committee Meeting of July 10, 2008. <br />Accepted as submitted. <br />Recommendation for Redevelopment Agency Consideration: <br />• Minute Order No. 2008-002 RDA, Motion of the Redevelopment Agency <br />of the City of San Leandro Approving a Minor Amendment to the <br />