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8I Consent 2008 1006
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Packet 2008 1006
8I Consent 2008 1006
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10/3/2008 10:03:58 AM
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10/3/2008 10:03:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Page 3 <br />was to be evaluated on a programmatic level rather then at a project level. The project has <br />since been re-scoped such that both the mixed-use project (Marina Point) and the medical <br />center (Kaiser Medical Center) will be fully evaluated in the EIR at the project level. This will <br />require a greater level of detail and analysis than that which was included in our original <br />scope. The additional effort and associated costs are described below. <br />NOP and Initial Study The NOP and the initial Study will be re-circulated to include the <br />change in the project description. The Initial Study will be reviewed and revised, as <br />necessary, to account for any changes in the project description. We propose including <br />information on the less-than-significant impact to cultural resources in the revised Initial <br />Study. The cost associated with the revised NOP and Initial Study is $4,535. <br />Draft EIR The Draft EIR will require a more detailed project description to include the <br />proposed Kaiser Medical Center. Also, each of the impact areas will require a more <br />thorough analysis of the potential impacts of the Kaiser Medical Center. In addition, <br />toordination with EBMUD for a revised Water Supply Assessment will be needed. We also <br />anticipate an additional round of revision associated with Kaiser review of the report. The <br />DEIR will also include analysis of an alterative that assumes the northern portion of the site <br />would be developed as retail only (as opposed to a mix of retail and residential), with the <br />southern portion being developed as a Medical Center. The additional cost associated with <br />this subtask is $47,665. <br />Flnal EIR and Documentation Similar to the Draft EIR, the Final EIR will require <br />additional work to respond to additional anticipated comments on the Kaiser Medical Center <br />project. The addition evaluation of the Kaiser Medical Center at the project level will likely <br />result in more public scrutiny. The additional cost associated with this subtask total is <br />$13,070. <br />Meetings, Project Management, and Other Direct Costs The revisions to the project <br />will result in a schedule extension of approximately seven months past the original end date <br />to April 2009. This will incur addition management, meeting, and other costs such as travel, <br />delivery, and reproduction costs totaling $12,000. <br />Visual Simulations With the addition of the Medical Center, the visual simulations will <br />need to be revised and potentially expanded to include the buildings of the Medical Center. <br />The new scope assumes two new visual simulations from vantage points south of the <br />Medical Center for a total of six visual simulations. The costs associated with the revised <br />visual simulations is $5,692. <br />Health Risk Assessment The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) has <br />requested that a Health Risk Assessment be completed for the project. This assessment will <br />describe the health impacts (if any) associated with the project location near I-880. -The <br />additional cost associated with this task is $49,500. 1 <br />Traffic Analysis Similar to the other impact areas, traffic will require a greater level of <br />analysis due to a more detailed project description for the Medical Center. Under this task, <br />DA will analyze two new scenarios for buildout of the Kaiser Medical Center facility under <br />2030 cumulative conditions. These scenarios include the following: <br />1 The cost of the Health Risk Assessment does not include an analysis of construction impacts <br />($11,000) or impacts associated with the operation of emergency generators ($15,000). Our <br />conversation with BAAQMD indicated that these would not be necessary. <br />~ ~ ~, <br />
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