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8I Consent 2008 1006
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Packet 2008 1006
8I Consent 2008 1006
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10/3/2008 10:03:58 AM
Creation date
10/3/2008 10:03:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Page 2 <br />of trip generation for the project into the 2030 model and select link analysis to determine <br />project contribution. The results will include tables showing percent project trips (ICI and <br />Kaiser) using the interchange. Trips for San Leandro and Regional will also be identified. <br />Costs for this subtask total $10,700. <br />DA will also conduct an analysis of the existing Wells Fargo Driveway at the Reynolds & <br />Brown property. Conditions for analysis include AM peak, PM peak, and weekend Saturday <br />for existing, existing plus project, and 2030 cumulative, with a signal and an unsignalized <br />driveway. DA will develop project trip generation and roadway volumes using a combination <br />of the existing counts and ACCMA Travel Demand model volumes. Geometric conditions will <br />be obtained from the City of San Leandro and ICI. Signal timing conditions will be obtained. <br />from the City and input into the SYNCHRO software. DA will provide output for level of <br />service and queuing at four intersections on Merced Street, and will also review operations <br />using SIMTraffic. DA will submit a draft of the results in a technical memorandum. <br />Comments will then be addressed and a final memo will be submitted. Costs For this subtask <br />total $15,000. <br />In addition to the above two tasks, DA's scope has been expanded to include analysis of an <br />additional intersection (San Leandro/Marina) that was not included in their original scope, <br />and attendance at two city council and two planning commission meetings. Costs for this <br />subtask total $14,376. <br />Costs associated with these additional tasks total $40,076. <br />Traffic Counts Existing traffic counts were conducted for the study area in late spring <br />2007. A determination has since been made that additional counts are required to collect <br />data on 24-hour counts, pedestrian and bicycle counts, and mid-day turning movement <br />counts. The cost associated with these additional counts is $6,385. <br />Visusl Simulatlons Our original scope included the creation of four visual simulations. The <br />selection of viewpoints and the necessary fieldwork had been completed when it was <br />determined that one of the viewpoints should be replaced with one from a different location. <br />This required additional field work and set up. The cost associated with this replacement <br />simulation is $2,800. <br />Sub-Total 1 <br />The follow table summarizes the sub-total additional costs associated with the above- <br />described tasks: <br />Task Cost <br />Evaluation of Potential Historic Resources $17,800 <br />Traffic Analysis $40,076 <br />Traffic Counts $6,385 <br />Visual Simulations $2,800 <br />Sub-Total ;67,061 <br />Kaiser Medical Center Evaluation <br />Our original scope of work assumed that the project to be evaluated in the EIR would <br />include amixed-use project and a potential medical center. The potential medical center <br />~ ;~ <br />
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