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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />September 4, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />formally recognize the contributions of the RAC members, and appoint members to a new <br />consolidated RAC. <br />Chair Santos asked whether this idea has been discussed with the current RACs. Ms. <br />Battenberg indicated that, while the matter was not discussed at the RAC meetings, staff has <br />had discussions with individual RAC members. <br />Committee Member Souza commented that she reviewed the duties of the RACs, and did not <br />feel that their duties were duplicated by the Planning Commission. She expressed concern <br />about eliminating the RACs altogether, but maybe supportive of the idea of combining them. <br />Committee Member Stephens commented that he felt the consolidation of the RACs would be <br />beneficial, and that the consolidated RAC should have a defined mission. <br />Community Development Director Luke Sims commented on the important input that has been <br />provided by the RACs in the past on projects such as the LINKS Shuttle and the beautification <br />of Doolittle Drive. He noted, however, that a duplication of effort is created when the RACs <br />have wanted to weigh in on land use issues, which are under the purview of the Board of <br />Zoning Adjustments. <br />The Committee discussed the composition and terms of the current RACs, which were first <br />elected in 2001 by property owners in the redevelopment areas. <br />Public Comments: <br />Bob Battinich, member of the Joint Project Area RAC, presented a letter to the Committee from <br />himself and several members of the RACs, which described the value that the RACs have <br />provided to the development process in San Leandro. Mr. Battinich commented that if a <br />consolidated RAC is preferred, the group should be large enough to provide a range of ideas <br />and opinions. <br />Charles Gilcrest commented that current RAC members who have conflicting roles should not <br />be considered for appointment to the consolidated RAC. He commented that the input of <br />citizens and business owners is valuable to the process, and provides citizen validation to RDA <br />actions. <br />Committee Member Stephens stated his support for having a consolidated RAC, suggesting that <br />the term of the ad hoc RAC could be for a defined period of time rather than for a specific <br />project. <br />Committee Member Souza stated her support for a standing, consolidated RAC of possibly 9- <br />12members, which would meet on a regular basis, either quarterly or semi-annually, and which <br />would review the RDA budget and project list. <br />