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The overall increase would be seven full time and one part- <br />time positions. Many of the new positions return the <br />department to past personnel levels. The following would <br />be the staffing levels in the best case scenario: <br />. Add two new public safety dispatcher positions to <br />manage the projected increase in calls for service <br />into the Communication Center. It is anticipated <br />that we will have an increase of 20-25% in the <br />number of calls received when the 911 cell phone <br />calls begin to come directly into the Communication <br />Center. This will result in approximately 15,000 <br />additional calls during the coming years. We will <br />also need an additional console/workstation <br />in the Communication Center to be utilized during <br />peak hours. <br />. Add two more records clerks to allow us to provide <br />more expanded customer service at the front <br />counter. The additional staff will also permit more <br />timely data entry into the recently purchased New <br />World Computer System, resulting in the <br />development of a more effective data base. <br />. Add two jailer positions. These additional jailers will <br />allow the staffing of two per shift, enhancing <br />employee safety and minimizing liability. Additionally <br />it is anticipated that officers will spend less time in <br />the jail aiding in the booking process of arrestees. <br />4. Add a full-time crime analyst position which <br />has been vacant for the past ten years. The position <br />will provide updated information to staff on crime <br />trends, which will be utilized for targeted enforcement. <br />The breakdown of crime trends in smaller <br />geographical areas within the city can be shared <br />not only with the staff, but also with members of the <br />community. This position would work very closely <br />with the crime prevention officer in disseminating <br />information to various watch groups, community <br />organizations and homeowner associations. <br />. Add a second part-time Live Scan clerk in the <br />records section, allowing for expanded coverage to <br />service the community. <br />. Provide additional advanced training to the non - <br />sworn staff. Enhanced training would provide for <br />better customer service while assisting the public <br />in various capacities. <br />.Worst Case Scenario for the Support Services Division would <br />be the loss of three non sworn positions. This division is <br />currently functioning at minimum staffing levels in most of <br />the sections, and would not be able to adequately operate <br />16 <br />with further reductions. The following would be the staffing <br />for a worst case scenario: <br />. Eliminate one dispatch position from the <br />Communication Center. The reduction would impact <br />our ability to answer calls for service in a timely <br />manner, negatively impacting customer service. <br />2. Eliminate two records clerk positions. The loss of <br />these positions will severely impact customer <br />service and cause delays in the area of data entry. <br />Many of the functions that are required of the <br />position will have to be completed by the reduced <br />staff on an overtime basis. <br />3. Reduce attendance to mandated training <br />classes only. <br />1. The Best Case Scenario for the Administrative Services <br />Division would be the addition of one sworn officer position <br />and an increase in the funding to support increased training, <br />recruiting and development of an interactive website for <br />the community. The following would be the staffing and <br />programs for the division in the best case scenario: <br />1. Add one full-time crime prevention officer position. <br />The officer currently assigned to work crime <br />prevention also has the responsibility of coordinating <br />in-service training for all of the sworn and non - <br />sworn staff, and reporting that training to the State <br />of California. The current officer is also involved in <br />the recruiting and hiring of new department <br />personnel. The new position would be responsible <br />for all crime prevention and business watch groups, <br />and act as the liaison for community based groups. <br />Additionally this position would manage a crime <br />free multi housing program for the local apartment <br />managers. It is anticipated that this crime prevention <br />officer would work closely with the crime analyst <br />position to keep the community and the <br />department informed about crime trends. <br />2. Develop an interactive webpage for the community <br />to have more access to the department and <br />information about police activities. The department <br />and community are very eager to develop a method <br />of disseminating information in a more timely <br />fashion, and allow for the information to flow both <br />ways. We feel that this would meet those needs. <br />. Have the ability to provide more specialized <br />internal and external training to all members of the <br />department. The more expertise each member of <br />the agency possesses, the better suited they are to <br />handle the diverse needs of the community. <br />