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4. Increase our recruiting efforts for all positions <br />within the agency to maximize our ability to hire <br />the highest quality employees possible. Part of this <br />effort would be attending more recruiting events <br />throughout the region. <br />5. Explore advances in equipment/technology at the <br />training level that would enhance the service of our <br />staff. Some of those areas include updating range <br />equipment, exploring new impact weapons for <br />officers in the field and updating crime prevention <br />techniques. <br />J. The Worst Case Scenario for the Administrative Services <br />Division would not have the impact on staffing that the <br />other divisions would realize, as the reductions would come <br />in the area of services. The following is a list of the impacts <br />that would occur during worst case scenario: <br />1. Reduce ability to provide adequate in-service <br />training. The department would only be able to <br />provide mandated training that is then reimbursed <br />by the State of California. <br />2. Decrease in the firearms qualification program due <br />to the rising cost and limited availability of <br />ammunition. <br />3. Inability to compete with other law enforcement <br />agencies in the areas of recruitment and retention. <br />4. Reduce crime prevention and neighborhood watch <br />programs. <br />5. Inability to properly maintain and/or replace <br />current equipment. The division is responsible for <br />the maintenance of a large amount of equipment <br />used by the entire staff. Reduction in this budget <br />would cause the unit to prioritize what equipment <br />will be repaired or replaced. <br />K. The Best Case Scenario for the Administration Division <br />would be the addition of 2 positions, restoring the bureau <br />structure that the agency lost several years ago. The <br />following would be the best case scenario for the <br />Administration Division: <br />1. Re-establish the second police captain position, <br />which was lost several years ago to budget cuts. <br />This position plays a vital role in the agency <br />structure, as the departmental structure calls for <br />one captain to command the Bureau of Services <br />and the second captain to command the Bureau of <br />Operations. Having a captain in each position <br />provides the opportunity for proactive leadership, <br />and serves as a succession planning opportunity <br />for city management. During the 2009 year, six of <br />the nine command staff positions within the <br />department will be eligible for retirement. <br />. Add a part-time administrative assistant position to <br />provide additional support staff in both the <br />Administration and the Criminal Investigation <br />Divisions. This was previously position that was <br />staffed full time for many years. <br />L. Worst Case Scenario for the Administration Division would <br />be the reduction of one position, two separate divisions <br />commanded by one captain, and the limited ability of the <br />agency to provide for succession planning. The following <br />reduction would take place in the worst case scenario for <br />the Administration Division: <br />1. Eliminate the current administrative lieutenant <br />position, which was established approximately one <br />year ago to assist with some of the duties lost from <br />the second captain void, oversee the hiring and <br />training of personnel, and to work on several new <br />projects for the agency. Some of the projects <br />produced by the position were a comprehensive <br />City Council report on crime trends & staffing, a <br />departmental annual report, webpage construction <br />and development of a strategic plan for the agency. <br />17 <br />