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SEC. 2-18-235 Emergency Communication System Access Fund. <br />A. Establishment of Fund. The Emergency Communication System Access Fund <br />is established to receive all monies collected pursuant to this Chapter, and any other monies <br />transferred into the fund. <br />B. Use of Fund. The fund shall be used solely for eligible project costs and <br />eligible operating costs. <br />C. Administration of Fund. Expenditures and encumbrances from this fund shall <br />be subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of-the City. <br />SEC. 2-18-240 Liability for tax. <br />A. Any tax imposed on a telephone subscriber under the provisions of this <br />Chapter shall be deemed a debt owed by the telephone subscriber to the City until it has been <br />paid to the City, except that payment to a service supplier is sufficient to relieve the <br />subscriber from further liability for the tax. <br />B. Any tax collected under the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed a debt <br />owed to the City of San Leandro by the person required to bill and remit such tax. The <br />service supplier's service charge may be removed from the collection prior to remitting said <br />tax. <br />C. With the exception of the requirement to bill telephone subscribers for the tax <br />and to pursue the normal course of collection efforts for deficiencies in payment by telephone <br />subscribers as provided by Section 2-18-230 of this Chapter, nothing in this Chapter shall <br />impose any duty on a service supplier to enforce the collection of the tax hereinabove <br />imposed. However, whenever a service supplier remits funds collected as an Emergency <br />Communication System Access Tax to the City, the service supplier shall also provide the <br />City with the name and address of any telephone subscriber who has not paid the tax for four <br />or more billing periods and shall state the amount of such tax remaining unpaid. A service <br />supplier in compliance with this paragraph shall, following the provision of its report, be <br />relieved of any further duty under this Chapter for billing and attempts to collect uncollected <br />taxes from the telephone subscribers identified in the report identified in this subsection for <br />the stated periods. The Finance Director may, at his or her discretion, then assume the <br />responsibility to collect the taxes due for the stated periods, in which case the Finance <br />Director shall notify the telephone subscriber that the Finance Director has assumed the <br />responsibility to collect the taxes due for the stated periods and may demand payment from <br />the telephone subscriber of such taxes. <br />D. A service supplier shall be obligated to bill and remit taxes collected <br />consistent with the provisions of Section 2-18-230. In the event a service supplier willfully <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2008-018 9 <br />