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refuses to bill or to remit those taxes collected in due course, the service supplier shall be <br />liable to the City in the amount of taxes that were to be collected, as determined by the <br />Finance Director pursuant to Section 2-18-255. <br />E. Any person owing money to the City under the provisions of this Chapter <br />shall be liable in any action brought in the name of the City for the recovery of such amount. <br />F No telephone subscriber or service supplier owing money to the City under <br />the provisions of this Chapter may be denied access to the 911 communications system due <br />to their non-payment of the tax imposed by the Chapter. <br />SEC. 2-18-245 Registration, Reporting and Remitting. <br />A. Each service supplier providing local telephone services to subscribers within <br />the City shall register with the Finance Director upon a form prescribed by the Finance <br />Director and shall set forth the name under which the service supplier transacts or intends to <br />transact business, together with identification of the service supplier's registered agent for <br />process, or such other agent the service supplier designates, to whom notices pursuant to this <br />Chapter shall be directed. All notices and communications required by this Chapter must be <br />directed to the agent designated in the service supplier's registration in order to be effective <br />notice. <br />B. Each service supplier shall, on or before the last day of each month, make a <br />return to the Finance Director, on forms provided by the Finance Director, stating the amount <br />of taxes collected by the service supplier during the preceding month, and provide a report of <br />the number of single access lines, trunk lines, and super trunk lines that are subject to this <br />tax, as well as the number of exempt lines as specified in Section 2-18-215. At the time the <br />return is filed, the full amount of the tax collected shall be remitted to the Finance Director, <br />less any amount retained as a service charge consistent with Section 2-18-230(E) of this <br />Chapter. The Finance Director may require further readily attainable information in the <br />return. Returns and remittances are due immediately upon cessation of business for any <br />reason. Service suppliers must maintain records of taxes collected and remitted to the City <br />for a period of at least 3 years after the date the tax is remitted. <br />C. The Finance Director shall have the authority to conduct audits of service <br />suppliers including inspection, auditing, and copying relevant records and material during the <br />service supplier's regular business hours, upon written request giving not less than five <br />business days' notice in order to review compliance with this Chapter. If the Finance <br />Director determines based on an audit under this subsection that a service supplier has failed <br />to remit any tax imposed by this Chapter, the Finance Director may require the service <br />supplier to pay for the cost of the audit. <br />SEC. 2-18-250 Interest and Penalties. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2008-018 10 <br />