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for Non-Profit/Places of Worship and $3 per thousand square feet for Unimproved Land, to end <br />after four years? <br />WHEREAS, a canvass of the returns of said election was made by the Registrar of Voters of <br />Alameda County; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Leandro met in the regular meeting place of the <br />Council on the 15th day of December, 2008, to declare the results of said election in compliance <br />with Section 10263 of the California Elections Code; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council finds as a result of said canvass that the number of votes cast, the <br />names of the persons voted for, and other matters required by law are as hereinafter stated. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE and declare <br />as follows: <br />A General Municipal Election was held and conducted in this City on Tuesday, November 4, <br />2008, at the time and in the form and manner required by law. <br />There were 48 consolidated precincts established for the purpose of holding said election. <br />The total number of votes cast in said City of San Leandro at said election was 32,892. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at said election, the following person was elected to office: <br />Ursula Reed, City Councilmember, District 2, for a full term of four years from and after <br />January 1, 2009, and until her successor is elected and qualified. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following measures were voted upon and the results of <br />said vote are as follows: <br />Measure RR received a majority of the votes cast at said election for said <br />Measure, and is hereby declared to have passed. The approval of Measure RR <br />results in the adoption of Ordinance No. 2008-017, an Ordinance of the City <br />Council of the City of San Leandro, California Adding Chapter 2-17 of Title 2 to <br />the San Leandro Municipal Code with Respect to a Communication Users' Tax. <br />Measure SS received a majority of the votes cast at said election for said Measure, <br />and is hereby declared to have passed. The approval of Measure SS results in the <br />adoption of Ordinance No. 2008-018, an Ordinance Amending Title 2 of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code, by Adding Chapter 18 Entitled Emergency <br />Communication System Access Tax and Repealing Chapter 16. <br />Measure TT did not receive two-thirds of the votes cast at said election required <br />for passage, and is hereby declared to have failed. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2008-143 2 <br />