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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2008 1209
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Facilities & Transportation Committee
FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2008 1209
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1/16/2009 4:36:42 PM
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1/16/2009 4:36:40 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2009 0120
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Councilmember Starosciak requested that upon receipt of the legal opinion regarding the proper <br />use of park impact fees that the list of park CIP projects, along with recommendations from City <br />staff, is brought to Facilities Committee for consideration. This will assist the Facilities <br />Committee in making a recommendation on the dog park to the full City Council. Carolyn stated <br />that a list of CIP projects will be brought to the Facilities Committee. <br />3. Continued Discussion Regarding Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage <br />Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage. The <br />conceptual design for the garage is wrapping up. The project will be bid as either a four level or <br />a five level garage. The plan is to let the current market decide which design will be possible. <br />Ken presented preliminary elevations and the proposed layout of the parking garage. The current <br />project (whether four or five floors) calls for a single elevator and three staircases. He discussed <br />the details of a four level parking garage (which would provide 380 parking stalls) versus a five <br />level parking garage (which would provide 475 parking stalls). To give some perspective, a five <br />floor garage would be roughly the same height as the TriNet Building. Both options include <br />open designs for ventilation, light and security. The brick used in the project will be similar to <br />that used in the library. <br />The question was raised as to the additional cost for adding a fifth floor. Steve Hollister stated <br />that a fifth floor would add approximately $70,000.00 to the design costs of the garage. The <br />Committee agreed that a five floor parking garage makes the most sense. Councilmember <br />Starosciak raised the concern of having just one elevator for this project and asked if there had <br />been any discussion on a second elevator. The Committee agreed that two elevators would make <br />more sense for either a four or five floor parking garage. Ken said that he would look into a <br />second elevator. Councilmember Starosciak also expressed concern over the entry geometry <br />from Callan Avenue. Ken stated that staff will review this as a fact of the garage design. <br />Ken reviewed the opportunities for incorporating "green" business practices into the garage <br />project. Although garages are not typical for this process, E & T is looking for ways to <br />incorporate the green building process. Ken also discussed the LEEDS process and the limits of <br />what can be done in a project such as the Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage. To this point, the <br />project has gathered sufficient points to receive a "Silver" rating. <br />Ken ended his presentation by summarizing that this project is in the final stages of conceptual <br />design and is on several economic stimulus project lists. Design is scheduled to be complete in <br />July 2009 with the start of construction scheduled for fall 2009. The Estudillo-Callan Parking <br />Garage is scheduled to open in the spring of 2011. <br />4. Public Comments <br />Peggy Combs expressed disappointment that it seems as if the Recreation and Park Commission <br />is on a different page than the City Council regarding the dog park project. According to Combs, <br />the Commission carried out its tasks based on certain assumptions and it seems that priorities <br />3 <br />
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