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Rose clarified that the housing discussion planned for the February 9th meeting would cover <br />projections for the entire city and not one location, e.g. the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) <br />strategy area. <br />2. Update on 9th Grade Academy and Other School Renovations <br />City Manager Steve Hollister introduced Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg. <br />She described the two potential agreements for consideration related to the funding and joint use <br />of the 9th Grade Academy. There would be a joint use agreement between the City and the San <br />Leandro School Unified School District (SLUSD) identifying scheduling, District maintenance, <br />and City responsibilities. The second agreement would be a financial agreement between the <br />Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and SLUSD which identified the funding cycle and amounts. <br />An initial allocation would be made and the balance would be paid in installments over a five <br />year period. Based on the state being in flux regarding RDA's, there maybe future years when <br />the City must pay Education Revenue Augmentation Funds (ERAF) back to the state. In the <br />event of this happening, it is proposed that the effected year's installment will be delayed by one <br />year. This would extend the agreement to 2019. It was further clarified that the District is <br />responsible for the project; however, based on the use of RDA funds, the District cannot <br />demolish or substantially change the project/building without consent of the City. <br />The documents are being finalized at this time; many findings must be made by the RDA <br />(requirements) prior to financing. When complete, the process requires a public hearing. It is <br />recommended that the Liaison Committee move to approve and send both documents on to both <br />bodies; they maybe approved at the February 9, 2009 joint meeting. <br />A discussion ensued regarding language, exclusive use, scheduling and ERAF and how the funds <br />get to the school district. Recreation and Human Services Director Carolyn Knudtson explained <br />that the school district gets first use scheduling and that both bodies work together on the <br />scheduling. It was unanimously agreed to move the documents on to the public hearing for <br />consideration at the February 9, 2009 joint meeting. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Schedule a public hearing at the City and San Leandro Unified School District joint meeting on <br />February 9, 2009 to consider agreements relating to the 9th Grade Academy. <br />3. Continued Discussion Regarding Renovation/Relocation of Burrell Field Complex <br />City Manager Hollister commented on the newly formed San Leandro Sports Foundation and <br />their discussions of either relocating or renovating Burrell Field; the foundation was formed, <br />similar to the Castro Valley Foundation which initiated their stadium. There is interest by the <br />Marina Square owners to expand. Earlier studies indicated that Oyster Bay as a location was not <br />feasible. Relocating and expanding the sports facilities at SLHS might be a good idea; the new <br />expansion of the parking lot will be a positive impact. Mayor Santos suggested reconsidering a <br />partnership with San Lorenzo Unified School District (SLzUSD) and was approached by Dr. <br />Byas, superintendent for athree-way joint use project. Board Member Hague indicated that she <br />was in favor of keeping any facility within the SLUSD; Board Chair Katz-Lacabe noted his <br />