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Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding PG&E, Comcast and AT&T Low <br />Cable Issue. He explained that staff submitted a complaint to the Public Utilities <br />Commission (PUC) in July 2008 after a passing truck pulled lines down on Wicks <br />Boulevard that did not meet the clearance requirements for cables. PUC sent utilities out <br />to investigate and they found that 43 sites did not meet the clearance requirements. Since <br />that time AT&T repaired all but four locations. All four locations require new poles. <br />Discussion ensued. Mayor Santos stated that a number of residents are complaining <br />about the lightspeed units. Steve Hollister stated that every attempt is made not to place <br />the units directly in front of homes but the issue is definitely a challenge and utilities <br />cannot be forced to place the units w~derground. Mayor Santos stated that ha feels the <br />issue has gotten better especially with AT&T correcting the issues with the cabling. The <br />City has had a lot of cooperation from AT&T, Comcast and the PUC. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Future Committee Meeting Dates /Times <br />Steve Hollister presented the Committee with calendars prepared by staff in the City <br />Manager's Office displaying all committee meetings. Mayor Santos stated that he was <br />satisf ed with the current day and time of the scheduled Facilities and Transportation <br />Committee meetings for the second Tuesday of the month from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. <br />Councilmember Reed stated that she would like to review the calendar and advise of her <br />availability. <br />6. Discussion Regarding Selection of Committee Chairperson <br />Mayor Santos explained that he has been the Chairperson of this Committee for a few <br />years and would like to see Councilmember Souza chair in the future. Councilmember <br />Reed stated that she feels that Councilmember Souza should be involved in the decision <br />making process and suggested advising at a later date. <br />7. Public Comments <br />Regarding the Callan Garage project, Barbara Hamrick asked what the plan is for people <br />to park when the garage is torn down and if there are any plans in place for the fountain <br />that does not currently work. Ken Joseph stated that the project is planned for a mid to <br />late summer demolition. Temporary surface lots will be established. Staff will get the <br />word out as the project date nears. He also stated that the fountain will be part of the <br />project and will be redone. <br />Tom Fitzsimmons from the 4 Paws Society addressed the issue of the proposed Dog <br />Park. He stated that there is a great deal of frustration amongst members of the Society <br />who feel fllat the City is trying to kill the project and change the rules. Mayor Santos <br />addressed Mr. Fitzsimmons' concerns and stated that City staff must follow policies acid <br />procedures and that no one is trying to kill the project. He explained that staff is looking <br />at how to spend funds and that the Parks Committee has been looking at all parks <br />projects, including this one. There are many parks in the city in need of work and the <br />ADHOC Committee will prioritize the needs and report back to the Council. All park <br />needs have to be looked at and prioritized and it will be clearer what can be done once the <br />budget is finalized. Mr. Fitzsimmons stated that it is helpful to understand the process <br />