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DRAFT MINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~Ianuary 20, 2009 <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City Manager <br />Hollister introduced City Engineer Ken Joseph. Mr. Joseph gave a short PowerPoint <br />presentation, providing information on the proposed Water Pollution Control Plant <br />expansion project, and the need to acquire the property at 2550 Davis Street in order to <br />complete the project. Mr. Joseph reported that offers have been made to the property <br />owners, and that negotiations will continue even if the resolution of necessity is adopted <br />tonight. Mr. Joseph and Administrative Analyst Tara Peterson responded to questions <br />from the Council. <br />Councilmember Souza expressed hesitation in proceeding with an eminent domain <br />action without more information. Claudia Gorham, special counsel with Meyers Nave, <br />explained the purpose of the resolution of necessity. Ms. Peterson stated that the <br />property owners are currently seeking their own appraisal, which could delay acquisition <br />of the property by several months. Staff responded to Council's questions regarding the <br />time urgency of the project and details of the property negotiations. Public Works <br />Director Mike Bakaldin commented on the need to make the improvements in order for <br />the Water Pollution Control Plant to meet its permit requirements and avoid hefty fines. <br />The Property Owners' Hearing was opened. The City Clerk announced that the <br />property owners did not file a formal written request to speak at the hearing. Mayor <br />Santos ascertained that the property owners and tenants were not present. The Property <br />Owners' Hearing was closed. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. There being no comments from the public, <br />and without objection, the Public Hearing was closed. <br />Ms. Peterson commented that she has been through this process several times, and the <br />City has always been able to come to a negotiated settlement with the property owners. <br />In response to Councilmember Souza's question regarding the accelerated project <br />schedule, Ms. Peterson indicated that she believed the schedule was accelerated due to <br />the amount of remediation necessary at the site, which was reported in the Phase II <br />environmental site assessment results that the City received in June 2008. <br />• Resolution No. 2009-002, Resolution of Necessity Determining that the Public <br />Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of a Portion of Assessor's Parcel <br />No. 077A-0649-008-22, Known as 2550 Davis Street and Directing the Filing of <br />Eminent Domain for the Expansion of the Water Pollution Control Plant <br />(authorizes the City Attorney to petition the court to begin eminent domain <br />proceedings for the acquisition of subject property). (3149) <br />M/S/C Prola and Stephens. Ayes: 6; Noes: 1(Souza) <br />4. PUBLIC HEARINGS--JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />None. <br />