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FY 2009-10 Consolidated Action Plan 4 March 16, 2009 <br />• $22,400 San Leandro Boys & Girls Club, 401 Marina Blvd, San Leandro <br />(energy efficient improvements for the City-owned facility) <br />• $446,200 The City of San Leandro Department of Engineering & Transportation <br />(construction of 125 new ADA compliant ramps and sidewalks) <br />For the CDBG general administration budget, the total allocated is $144,184, which is the <br />amount available under a 20% spending cap in accordance with HUD regulations. In addition to <br />the fair housing activity allocated, the county-wide Everyone Home Plan (formerly the County <br />Continuum of Care) administration is covered under the CDBG administration costs at the same <br />cost as last year ($6,755). Each city involved in Everyone Home and Continuum of Care <br />Consortium has been designated a pro rata funding share for preparing the annual Continuum of <br />Care grant application to HUD and monitoring the Homeless Management Information System <br />(HMIS). <br />The City proposes to use its HOME funds to assist in the acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or <br />construction of potential affordable rental housing projects. <br />Draft HUD Section 10$ Loan Guarantee Program Application for Senior Center <br />The HUD Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program is a debt financing program through the CDBG <br />Program to help communities leverage CDBG dollars for community development or <br />revitalization activities such as economic development, capital improvements, and housing <br />rehabilitation. Local governments which utilize the Section 108 loans must pledge current and <br />future CDBG allocations (or other local funding sources) as security for the loan. HUD's <br />formula for calculating how much a local government may borrow under Section 108 is five <br />times its latest CDBG entitlement grant minus any outstanding Section 108 principal loan <br />balances. The City currently has an outstanding Section 108 loan for the land acquisition <br />relating to the Broadmoor Plaza affordable senior rental housing development. HUD recently <br />calculated that the City currently has the capacity to apply for up to $2.85 million in Section 108 <br />loan funds. <br />The City is preparing a Section 108 loan application for $2.5 million, which is needed to <br />complete the construction of the City's new senior center in FY 09-10. The senior center is a <br />high priority in the City's current Five Year HUD Consolidated Plan and furthers the CDBG <br />national objective of benefitting low- and moderate income persons, particularly seniors. The <br />City will pledge future CDBG funds to repay the $2.5 million loan over 20 years. City staff <br />estimates that the annual average loan repayment (principal plus interest) will be $173,500 with <br />the interest payments declining over time as the principal balance is paid down. The City does <br />not project any program income from the senior center. The draft Section 108 loan application <br />will be available for public review and comment on the City website and at City Hall and the <br />Main Library fora 30 day period (March 20 - Apri120, 2009), and Council will review the fmal <br />application on April 20, 2009. <br />