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C. Constriction of the project shall remain in substantial compliance with the <br />approved exhibits and plans. Any change to the project design, materials or <br />colors shall be subject to the review and approval of the Zoning Enforcement <br />Official and/or Community Development Director who shall administratively <br />approve the changes, or shall refer the matter to the Site Development <br />Subcommission. <br />III. LANDSCAPING <br />A. Spacing of trees planted along the street frontage shall not exceed 30 feet. <br />B. Mulching is required. Non-turf areas, such as shrub beds, shall be top <br />dressed with medium decorative bark chip mulch to a depth of two (2) <br />inches, or an approved alternative. <br />C. Within two years of planting, ground cover plantings shall substantially fill <br />the intended landscape area and shrubs used to screen the parking lots shall <br />reach a minimum height of thirty (30) inches. <br />D. All trees shall be a double staked and removal and/or replacement of <br />approved trees requires prior approval by the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />E. Prior to issuance of either a Certificate of Occupancy or Approval of the <br />Final inspection, all required landscaping and irrigation shall be installed per <br />the approved plans, with respect to size, number, and species of plants, and <br />provision of adequate irrigation coverage. <br />F. Landscaped areas shall be pernianently maintained to preserve plant health <br />and consistency with the design at time of completion and City's final <br />inspection. Maintenance includes watering, weeding, pruning, insect and <br />disease control, and replacement of plant materials and irrigation equipment <br />as needed to preserve the healthy and appearance of plant materials. <br />IV. MASTER SIGN PROGRAM <br />A. A sign program including locations, details, specifications, dimensions and <br />sign area calculations shall be submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Official <br />and/or the Community Development Director for review. A sign program <br />conforming to the City's Zoning Code requirements related to signs shall be <br />approved and issued a sign pern~it for installation. Any exceptions or <br />deviations to the requirements set forth in the Zoning Code shall be reviewed <br />as prescribed by the Code for sign exceptions. In concept, the following signs <br />are encouraged and strongly recommended: <br />Interior illuminated or indirectly illuminated wall signs consisting of <br />individual letters and customized cans for logos. <br />PLN2007-00028 May 2b, 2008 <br />Conditions of Approval Page 4 of 10 <br />