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Davis Street Family Resource Center 2 <br />6, 2009 <br />Another unlikely funding source is the approximately $196,000 in Community Development <br />Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the recently enacted federal economic stimulus bill (American <br />Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009). The CDBG funds made available under the stimulus <br />(called CDBG-R funds) will have modified requirements from typical CDBG funds including the <br />need to obligate the funds within about 4 months to a "shovel ready" project. Some cities and <br />counties are interpreting "shovel ready" to mean capital improvement projects which will <br />enhance local and regional infrastructure while retaining or creating jobs. However, HUD has <br />not provided formal policy guidelines nationally on how CDBG entitlement cities and counties <br />may use CDBG-R funds, including to which fiscal year they apply (and consequently which <br />HUD Annual Action plan to amend) and to what activities (i.e., capital improvements, economic <br />development, public services, housing, general administration). <br />The City has currently allocated all of its CDBG funds under its current FY 2008-09 HUD <br />Annual Action Plan so there are no existing CDBG funds available to provide $500,000. <br />However, the most viable option which staff has discussed with HUD includes freeing up <br />$500,000 in CDBG funds in FY 2009-10 by 1) allowing the City to borrow $300,000 from future <br />CDBG funds in 2010-ll andlor 2011-12 (referred to as a "pre-award reimbursement award" <br />under federal CDBG regulations) and spend it in FY 2009-10, and 2) gain an additional <br />$200,000 by reducing the proposed $446,200 for City ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) <br />curb cuts under the draft FY 2009-10 Action Plan to $226,200. Consequently, the City ADA <br />curb cut project could be made nearly whole by receiving the $196,000 in CDBG-R funds from <br />the stimulus bill since it is a capital improvement project that is ready to begin. <br />In order to achieve the "pre-award reimbursement" option, the City would need to amend the <br />final FY 2009-10 HUD Annual Action Plan and undertake adequate public outreach via the <br />City's HUD-required citizen participation plan. The citizen participation requires a 30 day public <br />notice prior to an initial public hearing and then an additional 30 day public review/comment <br />period prior to a final public meeting to review and approve the amended plan. The City cannot <br />formally commit to $500,000 in CDBG funds until the final public meeting when the Council <br />reviews and approves the amended plan. One key caveat regarding CDBG funds is that the City <br />may not expend FY 2009-10 CDBG funds until the start of the fiscal year, July 1, 2009. Because <br />DSFRC can wait to utilize City funding assistance after July 1, then staff recommends pursuing <br />CDBG funding. <br />The City intends to place a lien, in the form of a deed of trust, on the property as part of any <br />future funding agreement with DSFRC. In the event the property is sold, transferred or changes <br />use during the term of the funding agreement between DSFRC and the City, then the property <br />would be returned to the City as DSFRC would no longer be providing benefits to the <br />community at this location. Before final funding approval or release of the $500,000, staff <br />recommends that DSFRC 1) meet with the current property owner to renegotiate the existing <br />purchase price of $2.5 million as the property has likely decreased in value given the economy, <br />2) obtain a current appraisal of the property, and 3) provide the City with a realistic schedule to <br />close on the acquisition including anticipated dates they will secure all financing. <br />Current City Council Policy - NA <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />